March 23, 2025

Sunday - Sunny and warmish, with a cool wind.

Well, today should have been a good day, and in some ways it was, but overall, it wasn’t.

I did sleep in this morning. As ever, F had no plans for his day off, so I couldn’t be bothered to get up early. He came into the room as I was dressing and asked if I’d like to go for lunch. I would, so I asked where he wanted to go. He named a restaurant that isn’t open for lunch on the weekend. I told him it was closed but as usual he didn’t believe me. Why? I’m not making this stuff up. I said I’d go there if it was open. A few minutes later, we went off. 

We got near the restaurant and of course, I was right. It wasn’t open. Then, F named another place…not open. He suggested another one which was open, but had a sign on the door saying they were full. He suggested another place and we got into a thing where I was trying to figure out what he meant but he couldn’t describe it properly. He said that we’d been there recently. Well, one that I would have gone to was closed, and the other one was one that I wouldn’t go to. 

He got tired of trying to go anywhere and said he’d just go back to the house. I asked him to take me to S-Mall first and he refused. In fact, he stopped the car and made me get out. He drove off and left me on a street that was miles away from where I wanted to go.

I walked to the Main Post Office and took some money out of my account. Then, I caught a bus from the nearby bus stop to the Mall. 

I went into the mall and then into the hotel. I thought I’d eat lunch there. However, the weekly lunch was already finished for the day and I didn’t feel like eating any of the other foods on the menu.  

I ended up at Pizza Hut again and I had the Hut Melts with a drink from the grocery store. I ate and read my book on my phone. After that, I did a little shopping. I got something for my friend and I surfed the hundred yen shop. They’ve put in self-checkout machines here too. Sigh. I don’t like those. 

I did some shopping at Jupiter, the import shop. I got some tea, some cocoa, and some rhubarb compote that was on sale. Woot. I could maybe make some rhubarb pastries if I feel like it!

I decided that I would have some ice cream as well so I went to Baskin Robbins and ordered some. It was good. I had two kinds, Crunch Peanuts & Chocolate and Love Potion 31. They went well together. I didn’t like the Crunch Peanuts one as much as I thought I would. 

I had decided to catch the second last bus back to the house since I didn’t hear from F. I went over to the bus station and waited a few minutes. I was the only passenger on the bus and I’m sure the driver thought I wouldn’t get off! I did though. I walked back to the house and let myself in.

I went upstairs and there was F lying in bed. I made a face and went through to my half of the room. I went on my computer and did my usual things there. I did a couple of rounds of my sweater tonight too. It’s still not quite big enough!

F asked me after 7 if I wanted some fried rice that he was going to make and of course I said no. I didn’t get an apology from him, as usual. I decided that in a way, I had a much better day because I didn’t spend it with him. He’d be wanting to come back to the room and sleep all day. It’s okay once in a while, but he’s doing it a bit too often in my opinion. 

When it seemed like he was going to get back into bed later I asked him if we could go for groceries. He said no. I asked him if he’d already been and he said no. I suggested that it was fine with me if he wanted his mother to starve tomorrow, I’d just go out and not come back for a couple of days. He decided it was okay to go.

We got to the grocery store and he handed me some money and I went in. I did some shopping for all of us and some food for the next couple of nights. I’m still debating going off for a day or two, but realistically I probably won’t. 

I came back to the house and I put away the groceries. I also fed myself because I did buy food for myself tonight. When I finished I came up to the room, gave F his sandwiches for breakfast and then went back to my computer and put my headphones on. 

I was planning to watch The Day of the Jackal, but I noticed that the Oscars broadcast would expire in a few days so decided to watch that instead. It is fun…it’s still going as I write this! I may not be able to go to bed if it doesn’t stop soon. I kid, but it is a bit long.

So, F is in bed snoring away. I’ll probably get to bed a little early but you never know. I’m not feeling bountiful to my husband at the moment. We’ll see how Monday goes. 

Anyway, that’s it for me. Come back later if you like and hear all about my Monday. Until tomorrow…


Kelly said...

Sorry you had such a day, but it's good you could make the most of it away from your husband. I hope tomorrow is a better day x

Helen said...

Thanks Kelly. Yes, it wasn't great. Monday was better...

Kelly said...

Thats good that Monday was better! My son just tried the Love Potion icecream from Baskin Robbins last night as it was his birthday and now it's his new favourite. 😊