March 7, 2025

Friday - Snowy and cloudy and cooler

I woke up this morning when my alarm went off. I made a trip downstairs, watched a couple of videos on my phone and went back to sleep. I decided not to go to a movie I had been thinking about as the timing with buses and such just wasn’t good. 

I dressed and went downstairs to make my breakfast. I also made some jelly in a bowl for tonight’s dessert. The package was due to expire this month, so I thought that I should do it soon! I put it in the fridge for later. I brought my breakfast up to my room and relaxed with a bit of news and YouTube.

Around 12:45 to 1pm, I finished up my hat. I just had to darn in the ends and finish the actual top. It turned out very well. I have two hats from the same yarn now and they are a little different, but I like them both. 

My knitted hat...pattern from Knitting for Dummies.
Yes, some of the pink yarn has glitter!

I had a quiet afternoon in today. I didn’t see K at all. When it was lunchtime, I went downstairs for my lunch and came back to the room and watched an episode of The Walking Dead. It’s all about the Commonwealth at the moment. Carol is sussing things out, and so is Eugene. This is a few years after the show has finished, so I hope this isn’t a spoiler for anyone!

F called a bit after 5:15 to say he was on his way but would stop at a grocery store. I went downstairs to start dinner a little early. I took my dishes down and washed them.  

Dinner tonight was nice. We had spaghetti with a carbonara sauce, sauteed bacon, salad, and F contributed pickles. We also had dessert of strawberry jelly and ice cream. I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Most of the food vanished!

I did the dishes and listened to my movie podcast. I enjoyed the podcast! When I was done, I said goodnight to K and told F I was going upstairs.

I spent a quiet evening up in our room. I did take a shower and then came back to the room and watched an episode of Gen V which I haven’t watched in ages. I’ve got a few shows on the Fire Disk that I have to decide if I’m going to go back to them and keep watching or what. It’s a bit tough with my channel showing so much Walking Dead all at once. It’s taking up my time to watch fun programmes. However, I’m about halfway through the last season of The Walking Dead. I’m wondering if the channel will show the spin-offs or if they will just stop. I’d like to see the Daryl Dixon spin-off as I watched a couple of episodes when I was in Canada last time.

Anyway, that’s about it for me. I wrote an email to my bestie tonight and then got stuck into blogging and catching up with internet things. 

I’m not sure what I’ll get up to tomorrow. Come on back and find out. Until tomorrow….


Rosa said...

Lovely hat! What will you make next? I'm in a bit of a creative slump at the moment, but I like looking at what everyone else is making.

Helen said...

Thank you!

I have been in a slump too. I made a few crocheted dishcloths recently which aren't challenging, but are practical as they are useful, either as dishcloths or as facecloths.

I got some yarn for Christmas and my birthday so I'm thinking about starting one of those hexagon sweaters for myself, but I know I don't have enough yarn for it. I really have enough shawls and scarfs for myself, so I'm just not sure what I should do next either.

Good luck breaking your slump!