Thursday, September 24, 2009

Warm and sunny, windy.

I got up early this morning, just to find out that my friend was having a family problem and wasn't able to come and meet me. Oh dear. I was sad for her and also for me. We may be able to meet tomorrow so let's cross our fingers.

Instead, I stayed in with Van and did laundry. I asked her to drive me to the city later on, and I offered to buy lunch on the way. So today I took my sister and my nephew out for lunch. It was only BP, but it was nice and best of all, Zach didn't get sick. Hurray.

From Southgate, I took a bus up to Kingsway where I was going to meet my friend. I did a bit of shopping on the way. I did have some luck at The Bay. I got 3 neat things. I got a casual shirt, a vest and a more dressy shirt for work or going out. It's really pretty. I also hit up Sears but only found a few things.

I met my friend and we window shopped for a bit and then drove to her house. We met up with her husband and decided to get some dinner. We did take out from a place I'd never heard of before and took it back to her apartment. We ate and then went to the basement and watched 3 episodes of The Big Bang Theory which I'd never heard of before. It was really funny.

They drove me back to Van's. Once I was here I came downstairs, watched some TV and relaxed. It was a good evening!

Tomorrow night, dinner with a friend, tomorrow morning? I'm not sure yet.

Talk to you later! Night.

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