Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Hot and sunny. A record-breaking hit 34 degrees today.

I spent the first part of the day in bed. I woke up and didn't feel that well so I said goodbye to the kids, had a quick breakfast and then went back to bed. I didn't sleep though, I watched TV. There's just so much on!

I got up later and had a quiet afternoon in. Van picked up the kids and then we went off to Edmonton. We dropped of Kate at her dance class and then Zach, Van and I went to London Drugs for a bit to do shopping. I got some lipstick, and some more deodorant.

We came back to the house after we picked up Kate, but I stayed there while the others went to Soccer Practice. I had dinner and vegged for a bit.

When the others came back, they ate and then we got started on homework. I read to Zach for a while and then helped Kate with her homework. She'd left it for the last moment again. Sigh. It was difficult too. Finally it was done though.

I came downstairs and I think I'll go to bed soon, although Highlander is on tonight. I'd like to watch it, but I have to be up early tomorrow!

Anyway, I'll update tomorrow if I'm feeling up to it. Talk to you later!

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