July 10, 2018

Tuesday - Hot and sunny

A good day.

I got up this morning after F left, but I woke up while he was still here. I said a sleepy goodbye to him.

I had a quiet morning, doing my usual things.  In the afternoon, I put on a movie and started on the darning in of ends of my granny squares. I still haven’t finished making them, but I realized that I could actually start putting some of it together if I wanted to!  Having the yarn ends darned in just makes things easier to do later.  

Halfway through the movie I went downstairs and grabbed my lunch.  K was snoozing in the living room. I can’t say I blame her. It was hot today…good siesta day.

When I came down later to do the dishes, I washed and then dried everything. I grabbed a freezie thing from the freezer and gave her one.  These are adult Freezie Pops…from Italy.  Very nice, real juice and interesting flavours.  

F was a little late tonight, but not terribly so.  We decided to try and get dinner from the grocery store.  We went and instead of being a simple dinner, F went overboard buying things.  When we got back to the house we all had hiyashi chukka and okonomiyaki. F contributed katsuo sashimi and also some pickles.  I put in some blueberries that I quickly washed tonight.  It was all good, but there was too much food.  I was a bit annoyed with F for putting the sashimi out on individual plates for us.  He gave me more than he gave himself…I didn’t really want any at all.  It was good, but I would rather have taken a couple of pieces rather than a given portion.  Anyway, dinner was good but big.  F did the dishes, in his own weird style and I dried them.  

I asked that we go out for a bit as I wanted to cool down and get a drink.  We went to McDonald's and had our drinks, then picked up a few things in the grocery store nearby.

We came back to the house and put the groceries away.  F took a shower, pipping me to the post.  I took one afterwards and did a spot of cleaning in there too.  I thought that K was doing it but a couple of nights ago wore my specs into the shower for a few minutes and noticed that it needed a good cleaning.  I did a bit of one tonight while I was in there.  The only problem was the scrubbing brush I used was losing its bristles. I had to fish them out of the drain and in doing so cut my finger on the metal on the drain. Sigh.  I took my shower and then came back upstairs.

It was 30 degrees in our little room and after F went to bed we decided to use the air conditioner for a couple of hours.  It’s too hot to sleep in really.  

And that was it for my day.  I watched the British Bake Off while I was blogging….love that show!  It’s just nice and fun. People are polite and funny. And they win a cake stand. 

Tomorrow I may go out depending on the weather or I may do some laundry and watch another movie.  I’m not sure. Come back later and find out. Until tomorrow….

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