October 9, 2018

Tuesday - Cloudy and cool

An okay day.

I got up a little late this morning, but I just didn’t want to get up. I wasn’t oversleeping, just not getting up.  Finally, I did and watched some of the news and yesterday’s episode of Chuck and then today’s.  Fun. I had breakfast, watched more telly and just basically had a quiet day.

F came to the house for a late, quick lunch and brought me ice cream. I put it in the freezer for after lunch. It was nice to see him.

I had lunch and then ice cream, did dishes, and just generally had a quiet day.  F called once to say he was finished, then again to say he wasn’t. Poor guy didn’t get back until after 7 I think.

I suggested going out for dinner to the place near the post office and he liked that idea. It’s a very casual place where they let you grab your own amount of rice and miso soup.  Since I’m not the hugest fan of rice, it suits me fine.  After dinner, we came back to the house to drop off K and then went off to the onsen.  F took his bath, and I spent time in the lobby.  I did a little on my craft project and then he was back and it was time to leave. 

We bought a few groceries but F didn’t have a lot of cash with him. I suggested making dinner tomorrow night, dinner of bacon and hakusai soup. He seemed downright grumpy at the idea.  I’m not sure what was his problem is.  He gets upset at eating out all the time, then gets upset when I do try to cook.  Pick one, can’t have it both ways.  

We came back to the house and he was very quiet. He fell asleep fairly soon as he was really tired. I realized that was most of the problem in the grocery store, so didn’t try and argue with him.  

Tomorrow I’ll be busy in the morning doing my soup making. I think I’ll use my slow cooker and then I can set it up and leave it. I just hope that K doesn’t get in my way, or steal my ingredients!  Tonight F found a jar of homemade pickled garlic…my lovely expensive Spanish garlic keeps going missing. Now I know why. Sigh.  She takes things off my shelf in the fridge or takes buns/bread that I buy especially for the meals that I make. There’s usually other bread around…she takes the special stuff. I try not to get upset with her, but it does get a tad annoying. 

Anyway, I need my beauty sleep.  Come back later and find out how the soup making goes. Until tomorrow….

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