April 17, 2019

Wednesday - Warm and sunny

I heard F leave this morning, said goodbye to him.  After my alarm went off I got up eventually, dressed myself and went for a walk. It was nice in the park this morning, but I ended up buying a drink again. The park was great and in some places, the cherry blossoms were out and looking lovely.

I headed back to the house and was almost in time to watch ER. I had my usual quiet morning and breakfast, didn’t do laundry again either. 

I decided to have an early-fish lunch today so I asked K if she’d like to split the last bit of the stew with me. She would, so I heated it up and gave her a bowl plus some of the salad. I took mine upstairs and it was nice. I even came down fairly early and washed the bowl. K had washed hers in the meantime and had even washed the bowl I’d left in the sink. That was nice of her.

I stayed upstairs in the room for most of the day. I opened a window today, that’s how nice it was outside. It did feel good to get some fresh air in the room. I also did some postcrossings. I hadn't done any yet this month as it has been hectic. The rest will likely be too, so I'm not sure what will happen from here on out.

Tonight F was late. He didn’t phone me so I figured that he was still angry with me for whatever I did yesterday. I didn’t know if I should go and make something for his mother’s dinner, so I didn’t. Around 7:30 he came back to the house and didn’t come upstairs. 

I went downstairs to see what was going on and he was in the kitchen cooking udon. Bloody hell, does the man not know how to cook anything else? Our reunion did not go well and in a few minutes he was yelling at me and even told me to go away. I don’t think he meant upstairs.

I didn’t see him again until 8:30 or so when he came upstairs. He basically went to bed. I asked him if he’d take me out to the store so I could buy some food. He told me he would later. Around 9 I started to insist that he take me out. I was famished. I’d eaten a smallish lunch, even earlier than I usually do. 

He got dressed and we went out. I asked if I could go to a restaurant first and he said I could so I suggested Gusto. We went and I had a nice meal. He sat there and played with his phone, which was only an option because I loaned him my spare battery for the phone. He didn’t eat anything at the restaurant and only had water to drink. 

We went to the grocery store afterwards and I suggested that we get something for his mother’s lunch. I don’t know what she has in the house to eat. He got her a few things and I got some stuff for myself, and possibly to share. I did not get anything to cook dinner because I am apparently cranky when I cook. This crap again.

We came back to the house, F went upstairs after putting his stuff away and I looked after the kitchen garbage. I went upstairs and checked on the garbage in our room too, and took that. I left everything in the genkan. If he “forgets” to take it in the morning I’ll probably do it when I go out for my walk.

I came upstairs and watched a bit of TV. F fell asleep on the bed and I discovered that he’d been to the doctor this evening and had a shot. I’m sorry that he is in that much pain, but he does bring it on himself. He doesn’t seem to realize that when he fights with me his condition gets worse. 

That’s about it for today. It was a pretty miserable evening, so I’m sure that tomorrow won’t be great either. I’ll have to wait and see though.

Come back later and see who comes back from work tomorrow evening, Grumpy F or Nice F.  And if I’m here to see which one it is. Until tomorrow….

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