His Dark Materials Book I - The Golden Compass - Philip Pullman (March 16, 2008)
A cracking great read. Talking bears, witches...this is Narnia, right? No. This is much deeper and apologies to C.S. Lewis, much better written. I'd pick this book up to read while I was waiting for internet pages to finish loading and 10 minutes later I'd still be reading it.

Lyra Belacqua, the heroine of the novel, is not a girl for sitting by the fireside with embroidery. She is a half-wild young thing on the edge of womanhood, living with scholars in a University. Through her pluck and then her skill using a mysterious truth-telling device, she travels from London to the North Polar region. The recent movie was good, but they didn't get all of the details right. This book rocks!


Sherry said...

Thanks for the review. Always like to hear about good books.

Helen said...

It's really fun. It's supposed to be for young adults, but it's too good to just keep for them.