April 25, 2008 - Friday

Sunny but cool.

Today was a good day. I got up, but not early. I thought about it then went back to bed for a bit. Sigh.

During the day I showered and made my lunch. I left for work just before 4. I got to the school in good time and got ready. My classes were fine today. I had two, one had cancelled this afternoon, so I had a nice break in the middle. I was very pleased in the second class, my student told me that she is going to continue to study with me. I was hoping she would, but wasn't sure she'd be able to.

After 9, I started to clean up for the day and then got a text message from Fumihiko. He was still working and wouldn't be able to pick me up. I wrote him back and told him that I was nearly done and would go home by myself.

I left the school a bit before 10 and decided to go to the grocery store on the way home. I checked the deli department first, but there wasn't anything that I really wanted to eat there. I wandered the store and didn't find anything I was interested in. Then, I thought about buying a pizza to take home. I thought it would be okay. I got a teriyaki pizza, some nankotsu and then a salad. I thought it might just be enough for dinner.

I got home, turned on the TV and discovered that Speed had just started. It's one of my all time favourite movies, so it was fun to watch it again. Fumihiko called and told me that he was on his way, so I made some coffee, and then when he arrived I started cooking the pizza. Dinner was on the coffee table in front of the TV. Watching Speed again and eating pizza was rather fun. I wasn't sure if it was enough for Fumihiko, and it wasn't. He had some rice and fish eggs. Still, it was nice to just throw together a meal like that rather than going out.

For the last little while, Fumihiko has been watching TV. It's an interview show, I'm not really interested in it, so I'm listening to some podcasts from CBC. I think I'm going to go to bed soon as I'm crazy tired tonight!

Catch you tomorrow night I hope! Night night.

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