April 27, 2008 - Sunday

Sunny with some rain and showers at night.

A pretty good day. I slept in very very late today so was a bit surprised that Fumihiko was nice about it. Usually he's a bit of a grumpy bear when I don't get up in time for lunch.

We drove out to Mikawa and had brunch in an okonnomiyaki restaurant. I haven't had okonnomiyaki in ages, so it was a nice treat. After lunch we headed into the mall. The pants that Fumihiko bought yesterday were too long, so he got them re-hemmed. He could come back for them, but we had some time. I looked in the craft department and then we went downstairs and had coffee.

We came back to Tsuruoka and came home for a while. Fumihiko kept asking me where I wanted to go for dinner, but as I wasn't hungry I found the question annoying. I asked him if he was hungry, but he said he wasn't. He asked me one too many times and I got a bit snarky with him. I went off and took a shower to cool off!

When I came back, he was watching a movie on WOWOW that we'd seen before, Deja Vu. I got sucked back into it too, and enjoyed it. That meant that when we went out after the movie it was 10pm. Oops.

We went to M's Dining. I had the Mega Big Burger and Fumihiko had ramen and onigiri. I'm not sure why he'd have Japanese food at a Western Style restaurant, but he's weird like that! My burger was great. They served it with pineapple and 2 sour pickle slices on the side, so they all ended up in my burger. Yum.

We came home via the grocery store and then had a veggie evening. Fumihiko went to bed ages ago, but there's a bit of a storm brewing now, so he woke up and closed the bedroom door. Methinks my typing/mouse-clicking is annoying him. Sigh.

Anyway, tomorrow I'm going to enjoy my day off. We may go to the mall after hubby's work to see a movie, but we're not entirely sure yet. I may go out or I may just stay home! Wish me luck, whatever I do.


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