A Very,Very Bad Day.

The only good point about today is that it's over. F and I have been fighting all day.He's gone out in search of food.

I'm tired so I'm off for now.


Shari said...

Ah, "one of those days". My husband and I used to have those in the first 5 years of marriage with infrequent regularity and at times in the next 5 after that. I don't think we've had one of those "argue all day" days in the last 9 though (we'll have been married 20 years come next April), though we've certainly had days where we had a little argument or two.

I think it's just part of living with someone full-time until every adjustment is made (which takes quite awhile) and you either change each other or stop being bothered so much by things. It has the potential to get worse over vacations when you're in each other's hair all day and normal routines are easily disrupted.

Try to relax and have a better day tomorrow!

Helen said...

I think the fact that we weren't at home, the hotel room was really small and that we were both a bit tired had a lot to do with it. I agree with you.

We go through long phases with no arguments, which are wonderful, but things flare up and it's bad. However, we managed to patch things up and the rest of the trip was really good.

With our marriage we also have the two culture thing going on, so sometimes that has a bit to do with it as well.