June 25, 2008 - Wednesday

Cloudy, but cool. No rain yet.

Had a pretty good day today. Fumihiko woke me up in the morning saying that he was going to take the day off and do some of his "apartment" work. I told him if that was his excuse, he should go to work. He muttered something about going to the doctor too, but did in fact get dressed and go to work.

I got up, checked on the absence of news and then fell asleep on the couch. Sigh. I had quite a good sleep really.

I messed around on my computer for a while, but around 2 started to get ready to go out. I was a woman with a mission. I used my new backpack, which I had gotten a few weeks ago, and it was very comfortable, and really holds a lot. I didn't need it to hold much today, but I may in the future.

I got to the bank, paid my bill and then went to the mall. At the mall I had a sandwich at Doutors and an iced tea. That was rather nice. I read a bit of a Reader's Digest magazine too. Then I went upstairs to the hundred yen shop for a good snoop. I got more flowers for decorating, and a couple of things for me, then came home.

Fumihiko came home a bit after I arrived home. He wanted to go out. I was a bit surprised by that. I told him that I planned to make dinner at home tonight. That was okay, but he wanted to go shopping. Hmm? So, we went to a drugstore, then Yamaya to get a few foreign foods and decaf coffee, then finally to MaxValu to buy eggs and something for his breakfast tomorrow.

We came home and I started to make dinner. I took the leftover meat from last night, cooked it and put it in a bowl. Then I sauteed the vegetables from last night, while I boiled some water for pasta. I made a kind of eggplant-zucchini-veggie sauce. It was really good, but I cooked too much pasta, so there wasn't enough sauce! We ate the cooked meat on toasted bagels, with pasta and coffee to drink. It actually wasn't bad.

Fumihiko did the dishes and I cleared the table and then cleaned up a bit after him. I asked him tonight why he doesn't wipe the table after dinner and he says he does it before the next meal. I guess it makes perfect sense to do that...in Fumihikoland. But, we don't eat at home everyday. It's summer and I really don't want yucky stains all over my placemats. Okay, they're cheapy 100 yen ones, but come on! I also do not want to invite flies to feast on my table thank you very much.

We had a quiet evening. I was taping things on the TV so I suggested to Fumihiko that he watch a dvd. He watched a Japanese movie that he'd bought in Niigata when we went. I saw the first part (it had English subtitles) and it was not good, so I refused to watch the second part! I listened to a couple of podcasts instead.

That's pretty much it for me. Tomorrow I have a couple of evening classes, and a growing pile of laundry that I should get stuck in on. Oh the joys of being poor and not having a cleaning staff to follow me around.


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