August 22, 2008 - Friday

Warm and sunny, cooler at night.

A pretty good day today. I had a quiet morning at home. I did some laundry, put some away, that's about it.

It was cooler again today. Hubby and I are wondering if Summer is over. I sort of hope so, but it is quite a bit colder, basically overnight.

I set off for my school a little before 4. I got there and it was quite warm inside. It was 30 degrees. Hot! I cooled the place down and got ready for my class. Luckily I got ready a little early as my student showed up 10 minutes early. Sigh. He rode himself on his bicycle so I couldn't really do anything about it. We had a fairly good class, and I think he did quite well.

My second student of the day showed up on time, but had to leave early as she had a business meeting. We had a good class too.

When I was done, I sent Fumihiko a message, but he couldn't receive it. So, after a bit, I decided to just go home. I biked home. I had a good ride home, but there were a lot of sirens going off along the way. I only saw one fire truck, but I'm sure there were more. I have no idea why or where they were going.

I was home for 20 minutes when I got a call from my husband. He had just finished work. He came home and we went out for dinner. It wasn't great, it was just Gusto, but it was fine.

We came home and rather than watch the boring Olympic stuff that my husband was watching, I decided to listen to some podcasts. Hurray. Much better for me. I finally got a bit of news.

And that is my day, basically. Tomorrow I have a dental appointment to check on my tooth, then a class in the evening. I'm not sure what else I'll do tomorrow. Wish me luck!


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