November 8, 2008 - Saturday

Cloudy, but not rainy.

Today was an okay day. I went to bed before Fumihiko last night. I felt so bad that I just wanted to sleep. This morning, I got up, watched the news and then took a shower.

Fumihiko and I went to Gusto for breakfast, then he dropped me off at work. My first student came and we had a good class. After she left, I cleaned up a bit, did paperwork and then called Fumihiko.

We went off to the doctor's office to see about getting a flu shot. We had to get our temperatures taken and apparently mine was too high. So, I didn't get my flu shot and got some medicine for my cold instead! Fumihiko, silly romantic guy that he is, didn't get his flu shot either because he wanted to get it together. (I have no idea why it's's a flu shot, not a bouquet of roses.)

We had a sandwich and drink at Doutors, then I went back to my school. My second student of the day came and we had quite a good class together. I'm still getting to know her, so it's interesting at the moment.

After my class, Fumihiko picked me up and we went off to the mall. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to go to be honest, I felt pretty bad. However, a meal later, I did feel better. I bought some cough drops to help my throat, and then we went to see X-Files. I really liked it, Fumihiko didn't. But, to be fair, Fumihiko wasn't an X-phile and I was until I left Canada. It was one of the few shows that I really missed when I came over.

We came home and watched Grey's Anatomy together, then a bit later Heroes. Tonight it was very good. The shows on now are the ones that I haven't seen before.

I think I'm going to go to bed soon. I'm pretty tired and I'm still not feeling 100 percent. Anyway, have a good evening and I'll try and catch up with you tomorrow. Bye.


Sherry said...

Hope the meds work and you are better soon.

Helen said...

So do I!