March 17, 2009 - Tuesday

Sunny and a little windy.

Today was a good day. I got up on time to watch the news and then afterwards I took my shower. When I finished that, I got to work on the chicken for dinner. The cunning plan was that I would prepare it and get Fumihiko to cook it while I finished work. The best laid plans, etc.

After a quick lunch I headed off to my school. I was a tad late, but thankfully had left everything in order on Saturday, so it was no big deal. My first class went very well. I even let the student stay a little longer so that we could finish up our topic. I think she really was interested.

In my break I did paperwork and also read Sunday's newpaper. Just before 5 I was ready for my student so when the doorbell rang I didn't think anything about it. However, the student outside wasn't the one I was expecting! Friday's student, the one I sometimes complain about, was outside with a small White Day present for me! AWWW! He gave me some cookies and a small hanko case, the kind that looks like a lipstick case. I couldn't even thank him properly as I was expecting my other student any minute!

She came just a few seconds after the boy left, so it was good timing. We also had a great class. I told her I blog, but I didn't give her my address for this blog. I probably should, but I told her I just complain about my husband all the time. Sadly, that's almost true.

After another break where I read Monday's paper, got a message from my husband that he'd probably finish work around 8:00 pm, and did more paperwork, I had my last class. It was also a good one. We started a new unit and did a lot of work with her dictionary.

When I finished cleaning up I texted Fumihiko and he called me back. It was quarter to nine and he'd just finished work. Poor thing. And, poor us because the chicken wasn't cooked. Oh well. He came to get me and we went home. At home, I stuck the chicken in the oven and then checked my email.

When the chicken was done, it was really good. We had it with onion salad and kabocha stew that Fumihiko made. Dinner was quite nice.

Fumihiko did the dishes and I read more email. Tonight was a bumper day for email.

Our meal was really late tonight so we didn't watch any TV or really do much of anything. Hopefully, tomorrow night we'll be able to spend more time together.

Anyway, it was a good day. That's it for me! Night.

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