April 20, 2009 - Monday

Cloudy but not rainy.

I had a strange morning. Fumihiko was up around 6, then came back to bed until 7. Not sure what he was up to. I wasn't best pleased at him. I did get up around my usual time and of course couldn't watch the news. I did end up watching The Assassination of Jessie James by the Coward Robert Ford however. It was odd, but interesting.

I worked on dinner while I was watching the movie. I did the veggies, put them in my slow cooker and then browned the roast and added it too. I put it on top and closed it. I had rather a lot of veggie peelings left over so I decided to make soup with them. I put them in a cloth with a few from the freezer, added some water to the pot and boiled them for a while.

I never did go out, although I thought about it. I wanted to, but didn't really have a need to today. After a week of going out all the time it was nice to stay home for a bit.

Around 5 today I started watching Blades of Glory. I taped it on the weekend. It was pretty funny. I was surprised at how much I liked it. It did have some really dumb parts though, but was cute in places. When Fumihiko came home he watched it too and the two of us were laughing quite loudly.

We had dinner and it was okay. The soup was nice, but there was only enough for 2 bowls, so we finished it up. The meat was nicely cooked, but I didn't take it out quite early enough so it was hard to slice. The veggies. Well, the veggies were cooked, but not soft if that makes any sense. I was a bit disappointed by them.

Fumihiko was really tired from work, so I gave him a pass on the dishes and I did them. After dinner, we went out to the grocery store to pick up a few things for tomorrow, then came back home.

Fumihiko wanted to watch a movie tonight. At first I said no, but then I thought why not, so we did. I picked it. We watched The Wonder Boys. I think it was good, but everytime I got really into it someone made a ton of noise. Grr. I told him that I hadn't seen it before we started, so then why did he have the need to ask me what was going to happen at the end? I have no idea.

Anyway, I am trying to get to bed earlier tonight as well, so I think I'll leave off now. Tomorrow I'm back to work. I have two evening classes so I'm a bit happy that I can have a daytime at home.


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