May 24, 2009 - Sunday

Cloudy with a bit of rain.

Today was a good day. I got up later than I planned, but Fumihiko was just vegging on the couch and didn't mind. We went out for lunch to a Japanese place he likes. Lunch was okay, not great. We both had udon with tempura. I find the tempura at this place to be quite greasy.

During lunch we discussed getting more episodes of Lost, so that's what we did. We drove to another DVD rental place and Fumihiko got himself a new card, plus the next two dvds of Lost. On the way home we stopped in the craft shop and I got myself a membership there. I'm not really sure why after all, as it wasn't free. That must have been what the ladies were telling me last year! Hopefully I'll use the card a bit.

We came home and watched episodes five and six, then took a break fror dinner. We went to Grado. I had fish and Fumihiko had the meat special which he said was too big for him, so he gave me half of his chicken. We did a grocery shop afterwards, then came home and watched episodes seven and eight of Lost.

After all that Fumihiko has gone to bed and is snoring away. He did go to the Sunday doctor today for his asthma. He's been wheezing away for the last couple of days and finally I made him go today. I guess I do send people to the doctor if I have to!

Tomorrow is the Tenjin Matsuri in Tsuruoka. I'm not sure if I'll go or not. I don't have anyone to watch the parade with, so it's a bit sad. Tune in tomorrow to find out what I do...Night!

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