November 23, 2009 - Monday

The BIG NEWS? My ring is back. The shop that fixed it apologized to F as the labour to replace the stone cost more than the stone. I think the stone is slightly lighter in colour than my last one, but it is still beautiful.

The Birthday Boy in Niigata. We found these "trees" in the plaza around The Rainbow Tower. They are made from plastic "pet" bottles. I'm not sure if it is really recycling, but they were surprisingly attractive!

The Trees at night.

A View of the river in Niigata at night. We went to see the late show of Inglourious Basterds, and while we were waiting for our theatre we waited overlooking the river. Some of the picture shows the lobby's reflection, but I think it's an interesting jumble!

On our way out of the Minami Niigata Mall we saw a heron on the waterbank. It didn't seem afraid of all of the cars going by. Sorry it's not a great picture but I was in a moving car at the time!

The regular update...

Sunny and warm in Niigata, rainy back home.

We're back! We had a really nice trip, shopped up a storm, walked our feet off and ate far too much, but it was great.

I hope to be posting some pictures later on, so I won't write too much. I think F's birthday was a good one. I gave him a couple of DVD's, a coaster that lights up and changes colour, and a bag of "stuff" that I thought he might like.

Today we checked out of the hotel and then had lunch in the hotel. After that, we went off to the Minami-Niigata Aeon Shopping center. I got a few decorations for my school and we bought a few things from the import food store there. We also had my absolute favourite beverage from Starbucks, Black Assam Tea Latte. I can't describe just how nice it is.

When we got home, F wanted to have dinner, but I was not hungry. He wasn't really either, but needed to eat before taking some medicine, so we went to a ramen shop. It was hard to find one that was open. I had some stir fried veggies at the restaurant, which was really all I wanted. I was still not very hungry. My lunch was huge!

We came home after buying a few groceries and had a quiet evening. F is back at work in the morning, I'm in the afternoon. That's all you get for now. More will likely follow. Night!

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