July 28, 2010

Wednesday - Hot and humid, thunderstorms and lightning at night.

A pretty good day. I overslept a bit, but finally got up and watched my taped news. Then I watched Twilight. Seen for the second time, it didn’t really do much for me. It was full of sighs and longing looks, but I’m “meh” on the whole thing. Tonight I’m taping New Moon so I can watch it tomorrow. Why am I torturing myself this way? So I can talk knowledgeably with my niece when I see her next. She’s a Twihead, or what ever they call themselves. I just hope her interest in these books will lead her to something better!

In the afternoon, I showered and then went to the post office to pay my book fees. I had ordered for a student and I had to pay the company. I managed to do it quite easily at the post office machine. Yay me.

I hit up a convenience store for a sandwich and then came home. I had an enjoyable afternoon under the air conditioner. I had thought about getting my hair cut, but since my head felt a little itchy decided to give it a pass for today.

F came home around 6:30. He was tired, but okay. We decided to go out for dinner and in the car he suggested Kintaro sushi. By now it was 7:40 and they close at 8:00 pm so I suggested going to Sakata to Kappa Sushi. We did that.

It was fun to be honest. I had a lot of interesting stuff. I quite liked the tuna/avocado/onion sushi and the salmon cream was nice too. F doesn’t think some of the things I have are real sushi, but what does he know?

We came home and had a snuggle for a while, then got up to watch American Idol. It was the one where they started announcing the top 24. Since I cheated by looking it up on Wikipedia I wasn’t too worried for some people. Still it was an entertaining show.

And that’s it. F went to bed ages ago, I should go soon. I’m a little tired because of all this heat. Tomorrow I’m back to work, with a couple of evening classes. I won’t be really late, but F may not be around to bring me home, so I might have to come home alone. Wish me luck!


*Edited to correct the name of the movie...it was actually New Moon.

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