August 19, 2010

Thursday - Hot and sunny. Gorgeous day.

A good day. I got up at a little later than I should, but not so late that I’d miss anything interesting. I showered fairly soon and finished up my book. I finally finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and I loved it. It had such interesting characters and a very exciting story line. There were many threads to begin with and I wasn’t sure how they were going to connect. Now I’ll have to get hold of the next book.

I did my internet work after my shower and drank a lot of iced tea today. I managed not to use the AC until the afternoon, which is a happy thing!

I cooked my lunch around 3 and then left for work a few minutes before 4. When I grabbed my bike I was surprised to see there were about 100 caterpillars all around the area. When I left the bike shelter there were even more. Yuck. Not my favourite things.

My school was really hot, but I got it cooled down to a reasonable range soon enough. I set up for my classes and then taught 3 classes tonight. They all went fairly well. I went way off script for the last class, but I think it was okay. We talked about words that haven’t quite made it into the dictionary yet. It was fun.

After classes I did paperwork, finished reading the paper and then I called F to come and get me. He did, and we went to Cocos for dinner. I didn’t want anything too heavy so I had the taco salad and some Buffalo chicken. It wasn’t authentic, it was more like kara-age covered in a spicy barbecue sauce, but was rather nice.

We went to the grocery store on the way home and I picked up some lemon, chicken, asparagus and fake cheese. The lemon, and chicken will become a lovely lemon-basil chicken I think and the asparagus will hopefully become a lovely stir-fry. I need something else though.

At home again I went over some possible tour options for F and I when we’re on holiday next month. He’s still mulling over the idea of extending our trip by a day. I told him that I didn’t mind, but he’d better hurry up and talk to the travel agent about it or we won’t be able to at all.

He went to bed a little while ago and I’m still up. Tomorrow I’m off work, but I’ll make up the marinade for the chicken early on and then I might go out for a bit. I sort of hate to waste the lovely weather on staying home.

That’s it for me. Night!

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