November 8, 2010

Monday - Rainy and clear at times.

A weird day to be honest. I went to bed under a kind of protest. F came up with this strange idea that we should go to bed at the same time. That meant that he wouldn’t go to sleep until I went to bed. And then when I did go to bed, he got up and had to take some medicine. Anyway, I wasn’t able to sleep for ages.

This morning I woke up before he left. I got up for a while, but went back to bed and slept quite late.

I got up and watched a bit of TV, then put on some of my stuff from the weekend. I enjoyed most of it. I did a few things around the house today, but nothing much really.

Around 4:30 or so I’d had enough of being at home. I decided to go out. I went by bicycle to the Kaneta (shop) near us and had a look around. I wanted to get something for either my sister or my nephew. I looked and didn’t find anything. Some of the clothes might have fit my sister, but she doesn’t wear much besides sweats so I left it. Even though it was a little late, I thought I’d make a run for the bank and deposit some money (and take some out too). I got to the machines and did my stuff. Then, I checked my cell phone and discovered that my husband had called me. I was a bit sad as I had wanted to treat myself to something at McDonald, but went home.

When he arrived about an hour later he basically went straight to bed. I was quite upset. He was tired and didn’t think he had to talk to me. He’d forgotten that we were eating at home today.

I cooked, set the table and made coffee. He ate and did the dishes. As I had predicted in the store last night, we didn’t buy enough food. Funny how someone helped themselves to rice and fish crap later in the evening…no asking me if I needed anything else to eat.

He put on the TV and watched the crappiest of crap…boxing and K-1 stuff for 2 hours. He barely spoke to me the entire time. He never even asked me about my day. I bet he thinks I was home for all of it.

After watching Hell’s Kitchen at 11 we were in better moods. He finally took his bath and is now sleeping on the couch. I suppose this is part of his “go to bed together” thing. However, I have no wish to go to bed at the same time as he does. I like staying up and I find going to bed when he’s awake to be counter productive. I can’t sleep because he fusses all the time. Anyway…

There’s more, but I don’t feel like writing about it right now.

That was my day. Tomorrow I’ll be at work in the evening and will hopefully have a decent day. Night!

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