October 31, 2010

Sunday - Happy Halloween! Cloudy and overcast. Warmish.

A good day!

I overslept this morning. I had set my alarm so I wouldn’t oversleep, but managed to sleep right through it. I got up at 12 to an empty apartment. F had taken his mother shopping. Today they bought her a new TV and a fridge. Talk about Trick or Treating. Still, I know that she needed both, so no worries.

When F came home we talked about what to do and I voted for the Mall. I really needed to get a start on my Christmas shopping. We drove out to Mikawa, and had lunch at an okonomiyaki restaurant there. It was one of the kind where you cook your own, so I made F cook it. I’m so mean! We also had a little yakiniku with it, which was a nice change. When we finished we talked about getting more food, but I pointed out that recently we’ve both eaten too much and regretted it. We could always have a snack in the mall, if we got hungry later on.

We drove to the mall and did a lot of shopping. We bought quite a few things for other people and a very few things for ourselves. Or me. I am now the proud owner of a new pair of fuzzy navy blue slippers. Yay. Oh, and before I forget, one store had a little basket set up by the register for people to take a candy out. It even had a little jack o’lantern sign on it. I was so happy to be see this silly sign of Halloween, it made my day.

We had a maple latte at Seattle’s Best and then talked about what else to do. I voted for going to a movie, so we did. Tonight we saw The Expendables. It was about as silly and dumb as you would expect, but parts of it were quite fun. Stallone directed it and probably should have hired someone else to do the job!

We did a little more shopping after the film. I wanted some whole wheat bread from the bakery so I got that and then we came back to Tsuruoka. We had dinner in a new izakaya on the way back into town. It was good, for all we had. F had ordered us each some fried tofu and it was huge. I was so full when I finished it that I really didn’t want much else. Next time, we’re going to share that one.

We came home and watched a bit of The Island, before F started watching weird Japanese stuff. He finally went off to bed, but I’m not sure that he’s sleeping properly yet. I keep sneezing loudly, so I may be waking him up. Sigh.

Anyway, that’s it for me. Tomorrow I have to finish my column because I didn’t do any work on it today. After that, I’ll see what I can do with myself. I also need to send off my sister’s birthday present. Sigh. Gotta get on that too. Night.

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