Monday - Clear and sunny.
An okay day. I got up with F this morning, said a sleepy goodbye to him and then went back to bed. I stayed in bed until my usual get up time. Sadly the news wasn’t on. It was golf instead. Not my favourite thing.
I had a quiet day at home. I watched the TV I’d taped on the weekend with a bit of news in the middle. In the afternoon after lunch I went outside and shovelled some snow for F. It was really heavy and wet so was more work than I thought it would be. When I came back in I vacuumed the apartment and then did my dishes for the day.
When F came home we went over to my school to set the heater for tomorrow and to do a bit of snow shovelling. F did a lot, much more than I had wanted him to do. However, it was a big help to me. If it doesn’t snow overnight I can probably leave a little later for work. It’s a big if though.
We came home via the drugstore and then F made dinner. It wasn’t a difficult one, he made nabe. We’d bought all the ingredients yesterday, so he just had to throw it together. I made coffee and then we ate. It was okay. Halfway through our meal he made more soup base and that helped with the flavour. F makes really strange bases for nabe. I honestly prefer the pre-made ones as they taste good!
I did the dishes and F watched horrible fighting on the TV.
At 11 we watched Hell’s Kitchen and I tried out our new popcorn popper. Before I went to Canada I’d bought a microwave popcorn popper that you can use to make caramel popcorn. I didn’t do that today, but I did try the popcorn. Basically I had to ignore the instructions. I left the popcorn in for double the time and it worked much better. I think I’ll need to try it again. Admittedly our popcorn is a bit old so it might not be a fair test of the popper. Still, we made some without oil. Yay us.
I watched Backstage Pass and then That 70’s Show. It was a repeat but was still funny.
That’s about it for my day. It wasn’t too bad at all. Quiet and a bit dull. Tomorrow I have an early class and then I’ll have a gap in my day. Wish me luck! Night.
OK...good luck!!
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