Saturday - Snowy then gorgeously sunny, then snowy.
Today was a good day today. Hurray for that!
I had a good night’s sleep and then when we got up this morning we had a fairly quiet relaxing morning. We left a little early for brunch. F had breakfast at Gusto, I had lunch.
He dropped me off at my school and I got busy. I cleaned off the walkway and then the front steps to the apartment building. I even cleared a path to the road and put a step in it as the jump up was quite high.
I went in the apartment and started to get ready for work. My student came and we had a good lesson, except later I realised that I’d kept her textbook. Oops. Well, I’ll give it to her next week.
After her class I went outside and shovelled snow. I did that for a long time! I shovelled for about an hour and a half. It wasn’t as bad as you might think because the sun was shining and it was quite warm.
When I had enough I went back into my school and relaxed for a while. I did paperwork, and read the paper. I also watched and listened to another couple of podcasts.
My last class of the day went quite well. We started a new textbook today and it seemed to be okay. Hurray for that!
After class, I did my paperwork, then I did dishes and got changed. I called F and he came to get me.
We had a nice dinner in Moku-Moku and then came home. F watched a couple of TV shows in Japanese and then I demanded the TV for Top Gear and now Burn Notice! I’m not that mean, I told him he could watch what he wanted for a while until my shows were on.
And that was it. My day was good. I’m quite stiff and sore now though. I hope I’ll be okay in the morning. Night!
That little bit of sunshine and warmth makes everything worth it!
It almost does! It was really beautiful yesterday.
Glad you had a good day. Too much snow shoveling though,our last batch of snow has all gone and now all is icky mud. Rather have snow. By the way I think that Top Gear is so funny. I really like it. Mimi
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