April 19, 2011

Tuesday - Cloudy.

I had a good day today. I went to bed a little earlier than I have for a while last night. I think it was good for me. Today, I was able to get up when my alarm rang, even though I didn’t really want to. I came through to the living room and watched Face/Off again. I haven’t seen it for ages and it was kind of fun to see both Nicholas Cage and John Travolta chew the scenery. In an overacting competition, who would win? (Al Pacino.)

I showered, and spent a bit of time watching the weekend TV I taped. I also spent time on my computer.

I went off to work around 2 and made good time. My 3 pm student came and we had a good class. We talked about a lot of things today and didn’t really focus on anything, which I think is a problem. I’ll have to try and keep us on topic more.

I had a couple of hours open today so I did paperwork, checked homework and read some of the newspapers. I got ready for my 6 pm class but she didn’t come. I called her and she had forgotten to call me and say she couldn’t come. We confirmed for next week and she asked to change the time a bit. It’s not a problem, so hopefully she’ll be able to come then.

My last class went well and we got on with our unit wrap-up. We were arranging sentences and then creating our own. It was okay.

After class I cleaned up, did paperwork and then called F. He picked me up and we went to New York, New York. We just wanted something simple for dinner tonight.

I had chicken and some pasta, it was quite nice, F had curry. We had a coupon for drink bar so it was a very reasonable meal. If I’d skipped the pasta it would have been really cheap!

We made a quick run through the grocery store and got fixings for tomorrow night. It’s going to be salad, ginger pork and broccolini. Should be yummy.

At home we watched most of Enchanted which was a treat as always. I love films where people spontaneously start singing in public, and the scene in Central Park is one of the best. James Marsden was obviously having a lot of fun as the swashbuckling Prince Charming too. It’s really too bad he had to play the uptight Cyclops in X-Men. It just didn’t let his playful side show through.

After Enchanted finished, there was a program about Edward the Eighth and Wallis Simpson. It was mostly in Japanese, but occasionally they’d have guests speaking in English so it was interesting. F changed the channel on me and I protested quite vigorously.

Anyway, that’s about it for my day. I’ve just spent too long reading Wikipedia for more info about the Royal Family. I thought I knew a lot, but I don’t really. Oh well. Gotta go. Night!

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