June 22, 2011

Wednesday - Hot and humid, with some rain.

An okay day. I didn’t get up early today, but no worries. I got up and watched a bit of TV, same old, same old really.

In the afternoon I watched the weekend’s Medium and then the Actor’s Studio with Diana Ross. She was quite interesting, although I wasn’t completely sure why she belonged there.

After 4:30 I went to the local grocery store to get something for dinner. I picked up a few things and then came home. F came home a bit later and I got dinner on the table. We had salad, plus bifen salad, with lemon chicken and harumaki. Everything was quite good, even though it was from the store. F did the dishes afterwards and then put on some Japanese TV.

He promptly fell asleep on the TV, so after a bit, I changed the station and watched the last bit of In the Line of Fire. When he woke up he wanted to go out but as I pointed out, the store was going to close in 12 minutes and I didn’t want to go then.

He was a tad miffed at me, but I’m not the one who fell asleep am I?

I put on Batman Forever after In the Line of Fire. It’s silly, but I like Uma Thurman and Chris O’Donnell too. Oh well.

And that’s been my day so far. It’s so hot and sticky and I didn’t use the air conditioner all day. I can see that I’m going to turn into a big pile of goo by the end of summer. Sigh. What should I do?

Anyway, I’m hoping to get to bed a little earlier tonight, so I’m going to end this here and now. Got to go. Night!


The Purple Room said...

Hi Helen, I bet you felt the earthquake this morning. I hope you are okay :)

Helen said...

Yes we did, but it wasn't too bad here. My cellphone earthquake alarm went off just before it happened and woke us both up!

F jumped out of bed to check the tv, I followed a little later. It was only a 3 here, plus we didn't have to worry about the tsunami, being on the opposite side of the island from the quake.

Thanks for visiting! Don't worry!