June 27, 2011

Monday - Rainy, with a couple of hours clearing in the evening

A good day. Except…I slept in again. Last night I decided not to set my alarms to wake me up. I honestly thought I’d get up around my usual time. I’m an idiot. It was dark and raining out, so I just kept sleeping.

Anyhoo, I did a load of laundry when I got up, hurrah! I stopped at one. I also headed out to the post office on foot today. I took a birthday card and a Book Mooch to the post office today too. It wasn’t raining that hard, so I probably could have ridden my bike, but the walk did me good.

I came home and watched a bit of TV, no big deal. F called early tonight, but he was home around six. He had to run errands for his work first.

Once he was home, we took his watch into the store in S-Mall to get the battery replaced. While it was being seen to, we had tea and a sandwich (me) or frozen yogurt (F) at Doutors. It was rather nice and a little like a date! When we finished our tea, we went back to the jewellery store where they told us that his watch needed to be overhauled and would cost around 10,000yen. F wasn’t sure he should do it as he’s been thinking of getting new watches for our anniversary, but I said he should. We have His and Hers watches and I like the design of them. I don’t want to change. Mind you, his gets much more banged up than mine does!

We surfed the bookstore for travel books (F) or crochet books (me-quelle surprise!) Neither of us bought anything. F dropped me off at home and went to buy gas.

I came in the apartment and started getting dinner ready. Tonight’s meal was fried chicken (no breading), plus salad, celery sticks, chi-chi-mee and sauce and a kabocha croquette each. Everything turned out rather well. Last time we had the store bought chi-chi-mee and F microwaved it, which left it soggy in the middle. Tonight I heated it in the toaster oven, which made it much nicer.

F did the dishes and then put on his Ultra-World Fighting crapola that he usually watches on Monday night…with a difference. Last night, I had made the point to him that he never asks if I’d like to watch something else and it’s rather rude in my opinion to just put on something that only one of us is interested in. After a little bit of throat clearing from me, he did ask if I had anything that I wanted to watch at that time. I didn’t, so told him he could watch it. I don’t know about him, but I felt so much better about him watching it!

We had a quiet evening. I put on Batman Begins at 10 (after asking him if he was okay with it! Sauce for the goose, etc.,etc.) We watched that, and after a while, I went and did a bit of crochet on the couch. I’m doing well on the mini-scarf I’m making. Yay me!

F has spent much of the evening trying to find us a good holiday package. I’ve been suggesting off the wall things, but he’s not too impressed. I’m not a beach person really, so the idea of going somewhere just for the beach is a bit blah. If I didn’t turn into a lobster, I might like the beach more!

Anyhoo, that’s about it for me. It’s been a good day. Tomorrow F is going to be off work, but has to do a lot of running around, so I might not see too much of him…I hope he’ll drive me to work, especially if it is still raining. Night!

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