June 28, 2011

Tuesday - Rainy

I’d love to say it was a great day. Believe me, I would. I’d love to say it.

F was off work today. He had a lot of things to do today, but only did a couple, so it was a waste in my opinion! He applied for his passport and also got his hair cut.

This morning I got up, showered and dressed and basically relaxed for a while. When F came home he of course wanted to go for lunch right away, despite my telling him yesterday that I couldn’t go and eat early. I had suggested he go out for ramen by himself too. Thought he’d be pleased.

F spent a lot of time looking for holiday places and packages. He’d tell me all this great stuff, I’d look up the hotels and say yes, or no, whatever, and then he’d hit me with things like, “The flight goes through China, and the total time is 26 hours.” WTF?
Of course I said no way. I don’t mind indirect flights, but I’d rather not spend my holiday in an airport, thanks anyway. I’d start to get attached to a place he suggested and then he’d change his mind. I asked if we could stop as all the places were just running together in my head. He got huffy again.

I took a nap around 1:30. I couldn’t keep my eyes open and just went and had a mini nap on my bed. Hub made himself some stinky ramen and then after I got up, shut himself in the bedroom.

Hmm. I spent time on my computer, made my own lunch around 3, washed dishes and was going to ride my bike to work, but it was wet out and he’d blooming well said he would drive me yesterday. He did, but it was a quiet trip.
I went into my school and got things set up. It wasn’t too hot in there, so I just ran the fan for a while. Class time came, and my student didn’t. She did phone and has scheduled another class this week.

I read 4 newspapers at the school. I didn’t read as thoroughly as I usually do, but it was okay. I got the main ideas!

My other student did come today and we had a nice class. We worked on vocabulary and it was good.

After class I cleaned up, did paper work and then called F. He did come and get me and we went out for dinner to New York, New York. Dinner was fine. We had the same kind of chicken and shared an order of pasta on the side. Yum. He was really quiet and moody though. The rain is playing havoc with his neck and he’s even grumpier than usual.

We bought a few groceries at the store and then came home. The Dark Knight was on tonight and I had hoped to watch it, but when I came back in the room, F has some crap on and didn’t ask if there was anything else that I wanted to see, so he lost all the brownie points he made yesterday.

That was my day. It wasn’t good. I really hate it when F springs his days off on me. It never goes well, and I would think by now he’d know that and not do it anymore.

Tomorrow I don’t really have any plans unless it stops raining. If it does I hope to go out somewhere. I should work on my next movie column too. Got to go. Night!

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