July 16, 2011

Saturday - Hot and sunny

An okay day. I got up a few minutes later than I wanted, but it was fine. I showered and then watched Medium. F didn’t go to the doctor this morning so he watched it with me too.

We had a fairly decent lunch in Cocos today and then F dropped me off at my school. It was 29 degrees in there, so I got the AC on as soon as I could. I got everything set up, did a bit of sweeping and dusting and checked over the lesson a bit.

My student came and we had a good first lesson in her new book. She quite enjoyed it I think. It was all review, but she’s a bit intimidated by her new text. I think she’ll be fine.

After her class I did paper work and then read the newspaper. When it was almost time for my next class I got all ready, but my student called to say she couldn’t come. We scheduled a class for next week though.

I did a load of laundry at the school and also wrote a letter to a student’s mother for F to translate later. I washed the dishes at the school and left things ready for next week.

F came and picked me up. We didn’t know what to do with ourselves, so I suggested going to Yamaya to pick up a few things. We bought a lot of things, but the biggest thing was we bought cheese. They had huge blocks of cheese for a little over a thousand yen, so I got one! I hope I can eat it before it goes off! I’ve been looking into freezing part of it, and I might be able to do that.

We were both thirsty so we went to the McDonalds that has just opened nearby and had a drink. We talked about dinner and then F suggested our favourite, Bistro Des Pointes. It was a great suggestion, made even better by the fact that he called them to see if we could still go. They said it was okay, so we drove out to Mikawa.

We went into the restaurant and had a lovely meal. F took pictures all the way through, but I just ate! We had sashimi and salad, kabocha soup, lovely, crusty bread, and for our main, F had steak and I had a beef tongue stew that was amazing. It was so good. For dessert we each had a kind of pudding, I had mango pudding with a yogurt flavoured ice cream, F had the Japanese style “purin” and banana ice cream.

We drove home very contentedly! I nearly fell asleep. When we got home we talked about watching a movie, but F wasn’t into it. We had a bit of a spat, but thankfully it didn’t last long and things were fine for us watching Top Gear and then Heroes. I got off the computer long enough to finish the little scarf I was making. It’s cute, if I say so myself. It’s for my one of my nieces, so don’t anyone tell her about it!

And, that was my day. No big deal, just a productive work day. Talk to you tomorrow? I might be late again with my update. I have a feeling that we’re going to go and see a certain Mr. Potter later on. Night!


Orchid64 said...

You can definitely freeze cheese, but it ruins the texture (it turns it all crumbly). The best way to do it is to free it shredded and then to use it as needed to melt onto various things. As long as you're melting it, the texture loss doesn't affect eating it. If you want to slice it though, well, you're out of luck. ;-)

Helen said...

Mmm... that's about what I read last night too. Thanks! Oh well, maybe I'll just have to eat it! Darn! I've never seen such big blocks of cheddar in Tsuruoka before, and I miss cheddar. Oh well, a month of cheese on toast and cheese omelettes and cheese and crackers and cheese on everything else can't be all that bad!