December 15, 2011

Thursday - Clear in the morning, rainy on and off during the day, snow at night

A mostly good day.

I got up just after my alarm rang this morning and took my shower right away. When I came back I watched some TV and relaxed a bit. I had an early class today, so I couldn’t relax for long.

I made my omelette, ate, did dishes and then left for work. It wasn’t raining before I left, but of course it started raining as soon as I got my bike out. I didn’t put my rain cape on, but biked fairly hard to get to work quickly. I still managed to get a bit wet though.

At my school I got dressed and set up the school for my student. She came a little early and then we got started. We had an okay class, but it was a little difficult I think.

After class I did paperwork, checked my set up for next class, read a newspaper and a magazine. I had a cup of tea and relaxed. The weather was bad and it was dark, so I decided to wait for F to pick me up after work. At 17:50 I sent him a text message and asked him to call me. An hour later I hadn’t heard from him. I looked outside and the rain had died off, so decided to just go home. I got all dressed up and was walking down the walkway outside my school when I got a call from F. I asked him when he’d finished work. It was a little over half an hour beforehand. He hadn’t looked for a message from me. I told him that I was going to cycle home, and then I did so.

It was windy and a little cold on the way home, but I made it safely! At the apartment however, the door was locked and barred. I had to ring the doorbell to get him to open the door for me. Sigh. I told him off. He knew I only had one class today and when it was. When he came home and found that I wasn’t there, he should have called me, or at the least, checked his phone. I asked him what would have happened if there’d been an emergency? If it was a one-off I wouldn’t be so upset, but this pattern has happened more than once and it irritates me. He sits around the apartment with his cellphone glued to his hand, and yet he misses the text that I send to him? Something’s not right.

After a while of checking email and nursing hurt feelings, I asked if we could go out for dinner. He said yes, so that’s what we did. We went to Cafe Framboise and had a nice dinner. We didn’t talk much, but I wasn’t mad anymore. After dinner we made a quick trip to the grocery store so I could get something for my dinner tomorrow night. I think I’m going to make a stew. Hopefully it’ll be yummy!

We watched a bit of TV today, or at least I did. I enjoyed it all. F watched bits of it, but finally went to bed. I should get to bed soon.

Oh, but before I do, I wanted to mention that yesterday, I got two boxes from Canada. Yay! Santa got a bit of help from Japan Post! The poor mailman had trouble carrying both of them. For some reason, the box from my best friend and the box from my sister arrived on the same day. AND I got two Christmas cards too! One was from my sister (written by my 6 year old nephew) and one was from a friend that we saw in Australia this year. Yay!

Got to go. Night!

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