Tuesday - Warmish and sunny, snowy at night
An okay day.
I got up a little late today and noticed that F had left his cell phone at home again. That meant that he would be by a little later to pick it up. I was correct about that. He showed up when I was watching TV in my PJs. There was a British Sci-fi drama called The Deep on and it was quite entertaining. Silly and all that, but entertaining.
After it finished I was thinking about going out, but I got caught up in a movie on WOWOW. It was rather good, so I stayed and watched all of it! It was called Mother and Child and starred Annette Bening and Naomi Watts, amongst other people. It was about three women, one a mother who gave up her child for adoption when she was 14, another woman who had been adopted, and the third was a woman trying to adopt a baby with her husband. That two of the story lines connected didn’t surprise me, but how the third one intersected them all was a nice surprise. Anyway, a well acted film about interesting people. Even the small parts were played by good actors… a bit like a British movie would be.
When it finished I decided to go out for a bit and see if I could clear any snow. I did a bit, but there was so much on the road already that I’m sure no one noticed.
When F came home tonight it was later than usual. I was trying to get set up for dinner, but he was so tired that he wanted to go to bed. As he was complaining again, his phone rang. It was my student wanting a lesson tomorrow. Sigh. That means that I have to walk over early to the school tomorrow and shovel snow over there so that she can use my parking space. I hope it goes okay.
F and I made a quick trip to the school to set the heater and then came home. I suggested grabbing a bite to eat but he didn’t want anything, so we just came home. He had a bath while I made myself something to eat. I chose Mac & Cheese, one of my Christmas presents, but I added a tin of tuna to it. It was pretty good. I offered some to F but he wasn’t having any. He went to bed for ages.
Around 10 pm I turned on the TV again to watch CSI: New York, with the headphones on and guess who got up. Yep, F. He made himself some food and then played with his computer for the next 3 hours. He’s only just gone back to bed.
Well, tomorrow is usually my day off, but I have to work. I hope it’s a good thing! I’ll catch you tomorrow night most likely. Night!
This is the person who said mean things to you before.
Please forgive me. I have learned not to.
Thank you.
helen, have u watched downton abbey yet?
Hi Unknown...sorry to not get back to you before. I had a busyish day.
I appreciate your apology. Thank you.
Sadly, I haven't seen Downton Abbey. It doesn't run on the channels that I get and I don't do downloading. I would love to see it as I am a big fan of British Drama. Perhaps someday I'll be able to rent it or something. I'd say buy it, but when I'm back in Canada, things from the BBC cost an arm and a leg!
Thanks for your friendly comments!
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