January 13, 2012

Friday - Snowy & cold

An okay day.

I had a really hard time getting up this morning. It was dark outside, even at 9 am. And the snow! It was coming down thick and heavy. Yuck.

I got up, watched a bit of TV, read the paper, had breakfast, the usual. In the afternoon I ended up watching Leonie, a movie about the mother of Isamu Noguchi. She was an American who had a relationship with a Japanese man. She followed him back to Japan only to discover he was already married. She stayed in Japan for a long time and even had a second child. It was an interesting movie, except the Japanese man she was in love with didn’t come off very well.

When the movie finished, I went outside and shovelled a lot of snow. A couple of days ago, F had told me that he’d built the mountain of snow up behind his parking space. Well, he really had. Sigh. It was so tall. I couldn’t slide the “dump” up it and when I tried to throw snow up with the shovel only half of the load made it on the mountain. I gave up after I got most of the snow cleared.

When F came home he thanked me for clearing snow which was nice of him. I got dinner started fairly soon, and the same thing that always happens, happened again. F just sat there like a bump on a log. Even when I banged his cup into the microwave (not on purpose, promise!) he didn’t even move. We at dinner and it was nice. We had nama fettuccine with mushroom alfredo sauce, salad and shrimp. Yum. After dinner, I told F about my frustration with him not even offering to help me. I’m not sure I’d take him up on his offer, but to not offer is rude. He said that if he was in the kitchen he’d prefer to be alone. I said that was fine, but don’t I usually offer to help anyway? Let’s hope he remembers this conversation.

After F did the dishes, we went over to my school to set the heater for tomorrow, then came home via the grocery store. I refused to go in as I didn’t need anything AND I was in a rush to get home because….

The first episode of Walking Dead was on tonight and I really wanted to see it. A friend of mine has been talking it up lately on Facebook and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It started a bit like The Stand, but was quite different for the rest of the hour. I’ll have to tune in next week to see if I keep liking it.

We watched quite a bit of TV tonight. I went over to the chesterfield for The Good Wife and did a few rows of crochet. I haven’t done any for a bit and it felt good to get my fingers working on some wool again. Yay me! It was relaxing. I think I’m going to have to try and work in a few rows of crochet every day.

And that’s about it for my day. I have an afternoon class tomorrow, but I think F and I will have to go over to my school and shovel snow for a bit first. Sigh. The snow is so deep right now and we are running out of places to put it.

Got to go. Night!


Anonymous said...

Gosh...you might think I'm nuts but I wish WE would get some proper snow here! Cold without the snow sucks! Tonight it was around zero-I don't mind that so much if there is snow!

Helen said...

Come to Yamagata-ken! We have lots to spare, or better yet, send me your address and I'll takkyubin some to you ;-) DH and I spent 30 minutes or more shovelling snow at my school today....we're both stiff and sore now.

I do get it though...just cold and no snow isn't a lot of fun, but I could ride my bike in that!