January 12, 2012

Thursday - Sunny and warmish, with snow later on.

I went to bed early last night too…two nights in a row. Wonder what happened? I won’t be going to bed early tonight though.

I got up at the first alarm this morning, because I needed to. I had to be at my school fairly early today. I showered early and then quickly did my computer stuff before making breakfast for myself.

After breakfast and dishes, I walked to the school. Today the weather was gorgeous and I made good time. It was a little slippery and I started thinking about what I would do if I fell and broke my ankle. A few minutes later my earthquake warning alarm went off. It was rather a freaky moment. I didn’t feel anything, but there was quite a big one on the other coast.

When I got to the school I did a lot of snow shovelling and then went inside to get ready. Of course it started to snow after I was inside. I got changed and got myself and my classroom ready for my student. She came and we had a fairly good lesson.

After her class I did my paperwork and a few little things I’d been putting off, before reading the newspaper. After that, I did a puzzle, well, started on it anyway, then F called and said he’d come and pick me up.

We had yakiniku tonight for dinner and it was nice. We also had salad bar and F had raimen and I had tamago soup. We came home via the grocery store and then had a nice and quiet evening at home. We watched the end of August Rush, then I watched Shameless, The Thick of It and then some ER. I’ve followed all that up with some Lipstick Jungle! I think Thursday is a big TV night for me!

Anyway, tomorrow I’m off work and I hope to relax a bit and do some of the stuff that I haven’t had time for this week. Wish me luck with that! Got to go. Night!

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