January 17, 2012

Tuesday - Warm but cloudy. A melty day!

A good day.

I got up this morning, mostly because I had to, not because I wanted to! I was tired, but I had to go to work today.

I had a quiet morning, I didn’t dawdle too much before taking my shower. That’s when I really noticed it. My dear husband turned down the water temperature. We usually have it set around 60 degrees, suddenly it was now set to 35 degrees. What? I know in the interest of saving fuel, they asked people to turn down the water heater by a couple of degrees, but that was ridiculous. I had my lukewarm shower and ranted a bit. I also had to fill up the kerosene heater today and discovered that I used up the last of the kerosene. Sigh. Bit of a rant about that too. Good job no-one was around to hear it!

I had a nice brunch of an omelette, then made the trek to my school. I made fairly good time today. I grabbed my shovel and the big scoop and went to the back parking lot. My space was under a couple of centimetres of snow, but I made short work of it. Well, short if you count 35 minutes as short! I did more than my space though, I did a bit of the path as well, as no one seems to take responsibility for that but me.

I went inside around 2 pm and started to get ready for my class. My student phoned me at 2:30 and I was a little nervous in case she was cancelling, but she wasn’t. She was checking on things. She showed up at 3 with some homemade bread for me. Yum! It smelt divine. She’d just taken it out of the oven before she came. We had a good class and she left nearly on time.

I had a bit of a break before my next class, so I did paperwork and read a bit.

At my student’s class time she didn’t appear, but I got a call from F saying he’d be late tonight. I reminded him that I was still working too! A couple of minutes after my husband hung up, my student arrived. Yay! First time I’ve seen her in ages. However, she was still under the weather and didn’t want to stay long in case she gave me her cold. We set up a schedule of classes for the next few months and she left.

When she was gone I read the newspapers, did more paperwork and then sent F a couple of texts which he didn’t get. Sigh. I finally called him and he came to get me.

We came home and he finished making the nabe for our dinner. It looked good. I offered to help, particularly in making something to drink and he took me up on my offer. (See, I do help him sometimes!) We ate and the nabe was quite good. I did the dishes afterwards and then we relaxed for the night.

I watched Criminal Minds at 11:00 and tried out a new pattern for crochet. I couldn’t get it to work very well, so I might just give it another try and see how it goes. Fingers crossed it goes well as I’d really love to try this pattern. It’s a ripple and I’ve never done one before.

That’s about it for me. Tomorrow I don’t have a lot of plans, but if the weather holds I might even try and get out of the apartment for a change. Maybe! Night.

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