January 18, 2012

Wednesday - Sunny and warm.

A good day. I dragged myself out of bed this morning and managed to stay up. I watched a little TV (The Taming of the Shrew) before I got dressed. I finally forced myself to get dressed by realising that I would most likely get one or two deliveries today and I didn’t want the delivery men seeing me in my PJs.

A little before 12, F called and asked if I needed kerosene right away. He would have gone for it during his lunch hour. Nice guy! I told him that it wasn’t necessary, so he invited me out for lunch. Woot. He came by a little after 12 and I went out to meet him. We ended up going to Marumatsu. It’s a low-end Japanese food chain. My lunch was fine, F’s wasn’t as good. I tell you, I just have good Menu-fu! I had the chicken cutlet lunch set, F had some kind of fish. He didn’t like it too much, but I thought mine was quite good, especially for ¥500.

He brought me home again and as it was so nice out, I shovelled his parking space. There wasn’t much snow left on it, but it had ice that hadn’t melted. I broke up the ice and shovelled it away. Yay me.

I did receive two deliveries this afternoon. My books for my school and my shoes. Woot.

F came home a little late tonight, and we vegged for a while. I tried on my new shoes too. I had ordered 3 pairs, in slightly different sizes to see what would work best. The best pair also had the highest heel. Sigh. That was a bit sad. F made arrangements to send the other two pairs back for me.

We went out for dinner to Grado tonight. It was F’s idea, but it was a good one. We had a really nice meal there and then we got out groceries and finally our kerosene. We came home after that.

I watched Private Practice later on, and then The UK’s Next Top Model. It is weird. I think I like it better than the US one, but meh!

I also started on the couch throw tonight, although F thinks it isn’t wide enough and wants me to make the rows longer. He’s probably right, I’m just not sure if I’ll have enough wool if I do. Do I frog what I have, or do I keep going? Decisions, decisions!

That’s it for me. Tomorrow night I’m cooking dinner and I have to do some laundry. I hope I get everything done. Night!

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