Saturday - Cloudy and warmish, rain at night.
A day.
Had a very odd morning. F went to a doctor then came back and wouldn’t talk as usual. He went back to bed and then when it was time for me to leave for work, he drove me to Gusto and left me there. He had originally offered to pick me back up after my lunch and drive me to work, but I was so angry that I just walked to work from the restaurant.
At my school I did a little bit of snow clean up. I didn’t have to do much as it had been melting for the last few days. Yay. I went into the school, did the dishes and got on with my morning. My student came and we had a good class. She had been away for two weeks though and hadn’t done her homework! Egads!
After she left, I got busy. I did paper work, read up on my new text, read two newspapers and then did up my financial records. I’m up to date, practically to today. Woot!
When I finished I called F. He had said he’d pick me up. I needed to go to an electronics shop, and a drugstore. I called for more than 30 minutes and left messages and didn’t get any answers. I was just about to head out the door and walk home when he called me. He hadn’t noticed that I called. Since he usually has his phone in his hand 18 hours a day, I found it a little hard to believe. He picked me up and did take me to the drugstore. I think the electronics shop would have been closed by that time.
After that, we went to the grocery store and each got our own food for the night. I got some chicken, a salad, and some stuff for tomorrow. He got himself a bunch of deep fried stuff from the deli. We came home.
I cooked my chicken, some kabocha croquettes and heated up the last of my soup from the other day. I had a really nice meal. I left some chicken and some salad for tomorrow, but enjoyed what I ate. I did dishes.
F ate his stuff too, and had a couple of drinks. He watched some stuff on TV, that wasn’t as terrible as usual probably because it wasn’t originally Japanese! I noticed that An Affair to Remember was going to be on tonight, so I suggested watching it. He watched it for a while with me then got really bored and went to bed.
I watched the movie and of course cried at the end. Sigh. I’m such a softie nowadays. It’s such a romantic film, in a way!
I watched a bit of TV and taped more for the rest of the week. I’ve had a nice night by myself.
Tomorrow I have no idea what’s going to happen. I have a few errands that I’d like to run and they are much, much easier with a car, but apart from that, no plans. There’s a movie on TV tomorrow night, but no idea if I’ll be able to watch it or not. So, I’ll talk to y’all tomorrow night, more than likely. Night.
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