January 22, 2012

Sunday - Cloudy but warmish, rainy at night

A good day. WOOT!

I stayed up late last night watching TV and blogging. Rather than staying on my computer until I was ready to go to bed, I decided to shut down the computer and do a little crochet. I found one of my favourite movies on WOWOW (Predators, but in Japanese) so watched it and did a row of my crochet. It was much more relaxing than playing games on my computer.

In the morning I slept in till about 11 I think. I got up, and F was quite nice to me. I was rather surprised, but happy. I made myself a bit of breakfast and did my computer stuff. I requested that we go to the electronic shop to get some ink for my school’s copier, so we did.

We went to the shop and I got myself a box of ink cartridges, and we also got some paper for our copiers/printers. Yay us.

F mentioned that today was the anniversary of the day they first served curry for school lunches and invited me to have lunch at Coco Ichibanya, so we went there. I had the Grandmother curry, he had seafood curry. I was rather surprised by this “nice” F. I haven’t seen much of him lately.

After lunch we went to another electric shop. We’d forgotten to buy a battery for our kitchen timer, so went over to the other major store. We picked up the battery, and then found the massaging chairs section. We both picked a chair and spent 10 to 15 minutes getting a massage. I was really in love with my chair and would have loved to bring it home with me! It was very relaxing, although F was asked to take off his shoes. He was sitting in a chair that had plastic all over the leg part, so we hadn’t thought it was necessary.

After our massages I suggested going to S-Mall for a drink. Any food with rice makes me thirsty. We had a nice time in Doutors and then went up to the hundred yen shop. We got a few things, coat hangers, file folders, that kind of thing then headed back to the car.

F wanted to go to a fish restaurant and I didn’t want to do anything to spoil the mood, so I agreed. The food at the place he wanted to go is good, but I dislike having to sit on the floor. I’m too old and creaky these days. We managed to get in after driving around for a bit. It is a very busy place. Dinner was great. We had a set menu with lots of fish, both cooked and uncooked.

After we ate, we came home. I watched Mrs. Palfrey at the Claremont and did a couple of rows of my crochet. I’ve done 4 rows now and it looks quite good. Next time I’ll have to use the dark yarn.

When the movie finished there was another movie on. It was Gaku, about a Japanese boy who gets stranded in the Canadian Rockies and has to struggle to survive. It wasn’t good. The scenery was beautiful, but the acting was awful and so much of what happened in the movie couldn’t actually happen. I got quite annoyed, but decided to write it off as a fantasy.

So that’s about it for me. I had a good day today and I have to say that I deserved it! It’s been bad around here lately and I just hope that it doesn’t get bad again any time soon. Night.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I've been following along here and was encouraged that you had such a great day! Crochet...humm..I have not done any in a long time. Perhaps it's time I start-might relax me a bit. Thank you for the nice comment on my site. I really appreciated it.

Helen said...

Thanks, me too! I just really love crocheting and if I do some when I watch TV I feel like I'm not "wasting" time!

And you're welcome, re the comment. I understood a bit of how you feel.