January 23, 2012

Monday - Sunny and warmish

An okay day.

I got up this morning, came through to the living room and did a little computer checking, before going back to bed for a while. I was so very tired that I just needed an extra sleep. I got back up a bit later and showered and felt much better.

I had a fairly quiet day at home today. I could have gone out, but decided to stay in. I swept the lobby today and then came in and vacuumed the apartment. Or tried to anyway! I was going to vacuum the heater as it had cooled down and should be done now and then. I took the big floor attachment off the vacuum cleaner and went over to the heater. I vacuumed a bit of it and then saw something just off to the side, so I moved the nozzle. Unfortunately, an empty 10 yen coin case got sucked up into the vacuum hose! I couldn’t get it out. I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked. I had to stop.

When F came home he was quiet again and basically took off his work clothes and went straight to bed with the door shut again. I gave him a bit of time and then went in to see him. He was just tired, so I suggested that we have dinner. I needed to go to my school too. I told him about the vacuum hose and he gave the end a few shakes, and the coin case slid out. Unbelievable! I did that and it didn't work.

We decided to go to a Japanese fish restaurant near my school. It was quite busy but surprisingly tonight the crowd was speaking English! There were quite a lot of non-Japanese people there and they were all chatting away. It was quite fun to eavesdrop, although I wasn’t really close enough to hear very much anyway! Dinner was okay. The fish was nice, but they’d given me a piece with lots of bones so I wasn’t terribly happy about it. I don’t like bones in fish!

After dinner we went to my school and I set the heater and took in the shopping from yesterday. A package of paper is too heavy to carry when I’m walking to work.

We came home after dinner and I watched a bit of TV. We both got postcards in the mail today, so F was registering his and doing other internet stuff. I watched some American Idol, then Sex and the City, and finally Harriet’s Law. For the last show, I went over to the chesterfield and did a bit of crochet. I’ve now used all three colours and it is going rather nicely. Yay.

That’s about it for me. It has snowed a little bit tonight so depending on how much more snow we get tomorrow, I might have to go early to work to shovel snow. Boo! I had better get going anyway. Night!

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