Postcrossing Cards - Incoming

To April 16, 2012

Monday was a bumper day for post cards for me as I received 4 cards in the mail. I had also received a few last week that I didn't post about so, here goes a rather long entry!

First up, from the Ukraine comes this beautiful church or cathedral.  Unfortunately, I can't read the card as it isn't in English, but I like the card.  It was sent by Sasha who says that he was happy to send a card to Japan.

Marlene in California sent this multiview postcard. She lives in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains and says that she is in Gold Rush country.  Her family loves Yosemite National Park and Calaveras Big Trees State Park.  She feels lucky to be living so close to Mother Nature's beauty. 

When I thanked Marlene for her card I asked her if there was any significance to the stamp being put on upside down! It was just a mistake however.

This card came from Japan, from a woman who also loves movies.  She writes that a few of her favourite movies are New Cinema Paradise, The Fugitive, Rain Man and St. Elmo's Fire.

Hilkka sent me one of my favourite cards.  She tells me that she's a married mother of two from north Finland. There is still snow where she lives and she is waiting for spring.  

She also loves dogs, and shows and breeds Chihuahuas and Tibetan Spaniels.
She signed off with a message in Finnish, parhain terveisin -with best greetings.
Humphrey Bogart

Piotr, a student from Poland sent this card of the Wroclaw University.  He says that the university is a college of long traditions starting in 1702.  It houses beautiful baroque Aula Leopoldina where diplomas are given. 

Claudia sent this cool card from Malenk in the north of Germany. She says that the Baltic Sea and the Northern Sea are nearby and the animals on the card are typical of the Baltic Sea.  

The Imperial Palace in Shen Yang
This comes from China but there wasn't much written on the back of the card. Sadly, the sender has left Postcrossing, so I'm not able to write any information about him.

Well, there you have it, seven cards.  My biggest entry yet.  Some lovely cards here.  What do you think of them?


Perogyo said...

Bogie is quite the hottie!

The bottom part of the card is too small for me to read (oh my aging eyes!) but the top part says Kiev. I love those onion domes.

Helen said...

Thanks Perogyo! Bogie is the coolest, isn't he? I love finding his old movies on TV....

And thanks for the info about the card. My photo probably wasn't that clear either. I do wish that people would translate their cards for me!

Thanks for commenting :-)