August 3, 2013

Saturday - cloudy, rainy, cooler

A good day.  I woke up rather late this morning. It was strange. I planned to get up before 9:30…I got up just after 10.  Yikes.  I did manage to wake up before Gilmore Girls though and sat on the couch and fixed my doily.  Hurray for that.  

After my show, F took a shower and then I did.  Then, for some reason we both ended up sleeping!  He had the bed, I had the couch.  A couple of hours later, we got up and discussed dinner.  We spent a little bit longer discussing where to go but finally decided on Edoichi, aka The Evil Place.  

We drove over there and sneaked in before a big group got in. We had an okay time, but F got himself entirely too much meat…in fact, at the end he was giving some to me! 

We left the restaurant and visited a hardware store, got a few things for our apartment, then drove to Yunohama.  For the last few weeks, F has been talking about going to watch the fireworks in Yunohama, so tonight we actually did.  We found a good place to park the car and waited for them to start.  It was a great night to be there because we could also see some of the Sakata fireworks from our viewpoint.  Really cool.

After the fireworks finished, we drove back to Tsuruoka and bought some ice cream and then came home.  We ate our ice cream and watched a bit of TV.  F wasn't doing that well, so he went to bed early.  I'm still up, way, way too late of course.  

We haven't got any real plans for tomorrow.  I'm hoping that we'll do something fun.  Come back and I'll fill you in on what we did.  Night!

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