August 23, 2018

Thursday - Hot (no kidding, really hot) and sunny

A good day.

This morning, I got up a little before 8:00 am and watched some of the news in English. I did a few morning things but did them all fast as I was getting ready to go to work. I also turned on the air conditioner. Before 9 am it was already 30 degrees in our bedroom. I needed not to be a big sweaty mess at my work today!

My taxi came on time and I went to my first workplace. My students told me that today was the hottest day of the year so far, so I started to worry about K a bit. She was up when I left the house, but she was dozing in the living room. 

My classes went quite well and then I took a taxi to S-Mall. At S-Mall, I had a brainwave. I decided to check out the specials board for the newly renovated restaurant. They had a pasta special on for just a little bit more than the fast food pasta place in the mall, so I decided to check it out. When I say just a little bit more, I meant it. It was less than 50 yen more!

One of the two kinds of pasta on offer was tomato free, so I decided to go in and have it. It was a great choice. The restaurant wasn’t crowded, the atmosphere was nice and the food was very good. For my money, I had a trip to the salad bar, a drink and my main dish and it was all very nice. I am not sure that I’d do it again when the price goes back up, but I enjoyed it today. After lunch, I went to the hundred yen shop and bought a scarf that was on sale. Then it was time to leave.

I walked to my next teaching assignment and I used my parasol. I’m so glad that I had it as the sun was really strong today. I’m not sure if my parasol is that strong, however, as the wind was bending it every which way. 

Classes went well at my second place and I said a little bit of a sad goodbye at the end. I don’t know when I’ll see the students again, if ever. A taxi was waiting to bring me back to the house.

When I got back here, I was very happy to see that K was in the living room using the air conditioner. I really had worried about her. She invited me to come and join her in the room. I motioned that I had to change first and then I’d come back down. 

That’s what I did. It was nearly 36 degrees in my room (35.9 to be precise) so I went downstairs and had a drink with K and played with my phone for a bit. We were waiting for F to come home, but he hadn’t called. I didn’t know where he was or how he was doing. Around 7:30 my stomach started growling and I realized that K was probably hungry too. I asked her if she’d like to have some curry and she said she would. 

I didn’t actually cook tonight, we had some retort packages of curry and I used one of F’s rice packs, but it was fairly fast and quite good. I added on a small salad too. I really should have supplied miso soup, but I couldn’t be bothered heating up the water! I gave us each a frozen juice pop at the end. K said it was enough, it wasn’t really enough for me though. 

F came back just after I finished doing the dishes. I was upstairs when I heard him come up. He was in a bit of a hurry to give his mother some food, but I told him she’d already eaten! However, she wanted more food. To his credit, F offered me some noodles, but I didn’t want any. He went off, made his mother and himself some udon and then came back upstairs.

After a bit, we decided to go out for a drink. It really was so hot in our bedroom still. We ended up in Gusto for kakigori and drink bar, and it was really nice! 

We came back to the house and took showers. F watched some gymnastics on the telly, and then I watched a couple of things too. And that brings us to now. I’m quite tired tonight. The heat was seriously over the top today and the stress of the last few days is getting to me. I have three more classes tomorrow and then I’m done. I’m looking forward to being done, but I’m also a little sad because I have enjoyed teaching again. My friend will come back from her vacation and start work and I will become a lady of leisure again. Snort!

Come back later if you want to hear more about my Friday. Until tomorrow….

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