November 13, 2018

Tuesday - Sunny and gorgeous

A good day.

I woke up early this morning, went to the ‘loo and then came back upstairs and went back to bed. F got up after his alarm and left, I said a sleepy goodbye to him.  

I got up and watched the news. When it finished I went downstairs and grabbed my breakfast early. I came back upstairs, ate and then went downstairs and washed my bowl. F called me to say that the people were coming now to check the pipes. I reminded him that I was going out soon.  

A few minutes later, I was dressed, and I heard voices outside. I looked out the window and saw some men.  The doorbell rang and I went down.  The people were there. K didn’t hear the doorbell because she was dozing with her radio on loudly. She did come and I got her to deal with the pipe people.  I went upstairs again and did a very quick check of what I had to take. I grabbed my backpack, jacket and hat and went off on my merry way. I did say goodbye so K knew I was gone.

I walked to the nearby rehabilitation hospital and caught the bus there. It took me straight downtown and actually was rather a nice ride today. When I got to the mall, I bought my bus tickets for next month, then went out to the front to meet my friend.

After a few minutes, she arrived and we went to Pisolino. We spent an enjoyable couple of hours there. She had a pizza and I had pasta. I really liked mine.  

When she had to go, she dropped me off at S-Mall and I went back inside. I did a little shopping and window shopping, then decided to walk over to Starbucks and see if it was insane!

I walked about 10 minutes and got in right away. It wasn’t terribly busy at that time and there were even seats available! I ordered a Gingerbread Latte and had that.  I’ve never had one before but had heard they were good. They were. I’m not sure I’d have it again, but I did enjoy it. 
I was soooo excited!

My Gingerbread Latte/Selfie to show excitement!

After a bit of wifi and my drink, I left.  I went to the nearby drugstore and bought a new pair of gloves, something to snack on later and some decaf tea.  I paid and walked back to S-Mall.  I was looking around S-Mall again when F called to say he was finished work. 

He picked me up and we decided to go to Starbucks together. It was much busier at 6 pm than it was at 4 pm.  We had a harder time finding a seat, but one of the baristas reserved one for us.  I just had tea since I didn’t want another big milky sweet drink.
Coffee date with my guy

We enjoyed our drinks, chatted a little, and then came back to the house.  K was fine, didn’t really need any dinner as she’d had quite a bit leftover from yesterday. F asked me what I’d like and I told him that I didn’t want anything, so he should please himself. He didn’t believe me at first, but it was true. He made himself ramen of course.

Later on, F asked if I’d like to go for a walk. I had done quite a bit of walking today already but said yes. I changed into my walking gear and we went across the street and did once around the walking trail. It was nice. I do have the problem that my feet keep sliding in my shoes. I’m not sure if I need to tie them tighter or what. It’s annoying.

We came back to the house and were quite pleased with ourselves.  I watched some telly and had an instant soup thing, and later made myself some popcorn. That was what I wanted. F went to bed around midnight I think, possibly before.

Today was a really good day. I enjoyed it a lot. Tomorrow I hope to do some Postcrossing and maybe even some laundry! I haven’t done any in ages. 

Come back later and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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