February 25, 2019

Monday - Cloudy and rainy

Apologies for not posting last night. I had rather a bad day, but not all of it was bad.  On Sunday we slept in a bit, then went out for lunch. We went to my Indian restaurant, only to discover that they were closed until April for a vacation. I don’t grudge them a holiday, but I’ll miss the good food until then. After that, F decided to take me to a fish restaurant. I was not happy with that. I know it was a good restaurant, but what a comedown from yummy, spicy Indian food. 

We went to the Mall in Mikawa in the afternoon and went to see Alita: Battle Angel. We both enjoyed it. It was nice as we both had full movie cards, so it was free, we just paid for the drinks and popcorn!

We bought food for dinner and then came back to the house. That’s where it started to go really wrong. I had bought myself some chicken to eat. That’s all I wanted. Chicken. Nothing else. I’d had my daily shot of rice, I was full of popcorn and I didn’t want any miso soup or pickles or anything. We started to get stuff on the table for dinner. F had picked fish for him and his mother and he’d heated it up. It reeked and the smell was making me sick. F started putting pickles on plates, three of them. He was angry with me that I didn’t want rice.  I put glasses on the table and then went back into the kitchen for the pickle plates. I put them on the table and then told F I couldn’t eat anything. I put my chicken in the fridge and went upstairs and got into bed. 

He came up a bit later and said that dinner was ready, but I told him that I wasn’t hungry. (So true.) I stayed in bed for a few hours, I did sleep a bit.

On one of my trips downstairs I talked to him in the kitchen, but the fish was still reeking and he’d started to make cinnamon bread too. The combo of the smell of cinnamon on top of the fish was making me gag and I had to leave. 

Later on, I got up and he gave me a bit of his bread.  It was good. I think he was upset with me, but I don’t like being forced to eat food that I don’t want or like. I try so hard not to ask him to take me to restaurants where he can’t get something he’d like, but he makes no attempt to please me. Saturday lunch was soba and it wasn’t good, Sunday’s lunch was raw fish.  It was fine, but the soup was gross and I didn’t finish it. It wasn’t something I’d pick for the two of us at all. 

I just went to bed last night around 1am I think. 

Today, he went off to work and I got up to watch the Oscars. Yay! I got dressed early, drank decaf tea and coffee and managed to make it through the programme with only a few breaks! I Facebooked them with a couple of friends from University and it was fun.  I was so glad that Olivia Colman won as I’ve been a huge fan of hers for years. (I have been a fan of Glenn Close too, it must be said, but I didn’t think The Wife was worthy of her huge talent.)

Of course, watching the Academy Awards took up a huge chunk of the day.  Oh well. Tomorrow I go back to reality and laundry!

When F came back to the house he wanted dinner. He did ask where I wanted to go, so I suggested Gusto and he was okay with it. We took his mother too. I know it isn’t the best restaurant, but I don’t mind it and the drink bar is both cheap and good.  His mother liked her food, I liked mine, but F said it was only okay.

We brought K back to the house after dinner and F and I went out to the onsen. He took a bath and I sat outside and did some crochet. I got a row and a bit done. Yay. I’m nearly finished the yarn so will have to quit soon. I listened to a movie podcast from Britain and laughed a lot at it. 

F came out and we sat for a while and used the wifi. Then, we headed back to Tsuruoka. We popped into a conbini and got a few things and then went to the house. I put on the repeat of the Oscars for F and we watched them together. 

That’s really about it for today. I’m not sure what I’ll get up to on Tuesday. I’m thinking about going out for a couple of errands or a coffee if the weather is okay. The roads are mostly clear so I could ride my bike if I want.

Come back later if you dare and see what I get up to. Until tomorrow….

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