March 12, 2019

Tuesday - Rainy and cooler

I woke up early and then snoozed a bit until it was time to get up. I watched the news and then ER. Today was the episode that Michael and Neela got married.  I’ve really been enjoying watching ER in the morning. It’s a binge-worthy show.

I had a fairly quiet day today. I got a Postcrossing in the mail, K hollered at me to come and get my card.  I registered it.  I had breakfast and also lunch today. I didn’t feel all that great when I woke up but started feeling better later on.  I planned to take a nap, but somehow never got around to it! Good thing that.

I got a call from F around 5 pm today. He said that he was in Sakata and would be late. He thought he’d be back around 7:30. Yikes.

Around 6:30 I went downstairs to start dinner. I didn’t think I’d hear from F as he said that his phone’s battery was at 5% so wouldn’t last long. I didn’t have much in the pantry but ended up using my pasta, a can of salmon and a couple of packets of carbonara sauce, and a bag of frozen peas too. Basically, I made a salmon carbonara with peas. I dished some out for K and me and invited her to eat with me. I told her as much as I could about F’s work. I don’t really know the proper words for anything and she can’t really hear me when I do anyway. We ate our meal and it was okay. It was a bit of a one-dish meal, but I liked it. She said it was good, but maybe not her sort of thing?

I cleared the table and started washing up. F called me then and said that he was now in Shinjo and wouldn’t be back for another two hours. Oh dear!  I let K know where F was and his eta. She seemed to understand me. 

I finished up the washing and drying and went upstairs and watched a bit of telly and played a game or two on my computer. Finally, around 10 I got a call that he was on his way back to the house. 

He had a bit of dinner in the kitchen and I ate a bit with him. I’d only had a little bit with K to keep her company. I’d planned to eat properly when F came back.  We ate quite a bit of the pasta, but not all. 

We made a quick run to the grocery store. I needed some stuff for my lunch tomorrow and we needed some staples in the kitchen. That was a fun conversation where I had to explain to F that staples don’t always mean the things that come out of staplers!

Back at the house, we did showers and F went to bed quite soon. He’s very tired. I’m a bit tired too, so plan to go to bed in a few minutes. 

I’m not sure what I’ll get up to on Wednesday. I’m hoping some postcrossings will write themselves, and I have to send some info to my women’s group about our trip.  

Come on back later if you will and see what I get up to. I should be here if all goes well.  Until tomorrow….

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