April 19, 2019

Friday - Cloudy and cold

I woke up this morning and thought about going out for a walk, but didn’t. It had rained overnight, it wasn’t raining at 8 am, but it was still cloudy and it was quite cold. I don’t really grudge myself the day off though. 

I watched the early news that I’d recorded and then switched over to ER and watched that. Yay! I’m so into ER that it isn’t funny.  I’ve seen it all years ago, but it was good television. 

When I went downstairs to get my lunch, K was in the kitchen. She was making curry.  She’d used 3 of the four new potatoes that I’d bought, two of the three carrots and at least one of the onions. That one didn’t bother me as it might have been her onion anyway.  (I can’t understand why she couldn’t have used ALL of the potatoes. I can’t do much with ONE potato!) And then, she opened the fridge to look for meat, but there wasn’t any. Shock!  I didn’t have the usual curry meat, but I offered her the leftover mince from Monday.  I’d put it in the freezer so it was fine to use. She was a bit surprised at it but did use it.

I grabbed my lunch and went upstairs to eat it. I had a very quiet day for the most part. I did send F a message about the curry in case he wanted to get some food for himself or was worried about dinner today. I watched a lot of stuff off the DVR and finally came up with an idea for my column. An idea is half the battle I think.

F called me around 5:30 and I reminded him that his mother had made dinner for us. I suggested he get something that he’d like to go with it.  He came back in a bit and brought pickles and an egg panko thing. F and I set up the curry and the table and then we all ate.  The curry was good, the mince worked really well I thought and everyone enjoyed dinner. 

F and I did the dishes afterwards and then got ready to go out. Before dinner, I had suggested to him that we go to the local cinema and see one of the movies. There are 3 movies in English playing this weekend around Tsuruoka and he’d said that he’d like to see them all.  By seeing one on Friday we made it a little easier to do that! 

Tonight we went to see Suspiria and it was insane. It was about 30-40% in German and of course, the subtitles were in Japanese. F said he didn’t understand what was being said either! Towards the end of the movie, I started laughing because I just had no idea what on earth they were doing. I thought it couldn’t get weirder and yet it somehow did!  So not really recommended by me!

We came back to the house via a convenience store and then had a bit of relaxing time. I watched an episode of The Big Bang Theory and F went to bed.

That’s it for me. This weekend could go well as there are lots of things going on. As I mentioned there are 3 movies, also a craft fair in the park across the road, a concert on Sunday at the aquarium AND a William Morris exhibition is just opening at the local Art Museum.  Spoiled for choices we are!

Come back later and find out what we do on Saturday. Until tomorrow….

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