November 11, 2019

Monday - Remembrance Day - Rainy, stormy at night

I woke up quite early this morning and even got up then. I watched the news that I had recorded and had a bit of a hard time getting motivated!  I went downstairs just before 9:30 because F had made some bread and I was supposed to take it out of the bread maker. When I got to the kitchen I was surprised as the bread maker wasn’t working. I touched the outside and it was cool. I opened it up and the loaf was tiny! I think it had come off hours earlier for some reason. Tonight F said he thought he might have forgotten to put sugar in. Oops.  I cut the loaf and even made some toast with it for K and me. 

I took my breakfast upstairs and had some tea as well.  I relaxed for a bit, checked email and FB and then got really, really sleepy. I took a nap. I set my timer for 20 minutes and snoozed. When the timer went off, I reset it and snoozed longer. And repeat!  I had to get up after that, but no worries.

I watched three episodes of Killing Eve season two today. They were great fun. The two actresses, plus Fiona Shaw were excellent.  Did I ever mention I saw Fiona Shaw on stage in London? She was in The Rivals by Sheridan. 

Around 4 pm I watched the news and did some computer stuff. I went downstairs after 5 pm and washed my dishes, came back upstairs after that. 

F called me around 6 to say he was coming back but he was already halfway to the house. He got back before I was ready to go downstairs to make dinner. He said he was fine and we hugged and things were good.

I went downstairs, started things in motion and then remembered that I hadn’t brought my cup down. I went back upstairs for it and F was in bed. He told me that he didn’t want dinner. Sigh. His stomach wasn’t feeling up to it. 

I got my cup and went downstairs. I made taco rice for K and I. It was just a boil in bag thing from Costco, but I added rice, cheese and lettuce, so I did a little work for it. I also had made us some hibiscus tea with it, hot today, not cold.  When we went to the great Mexican restaurant in Niigata they had hibiscus tea on the menu.  It went well with the food and did tonight too.

I did the dishes after the meal and listened to a couple of Canadian news podcasts. While I was washing dishes, K came in the room and told me off for using the lights in the room on full strength. She yanked the cord to change it from four fluorescent bulbs to two. The room noticeably dimmed.  She started yammering on about the cost and how expensive it is. Egads.  My eyes are more important lady, and just because you can’t see anything doesn’t mean that I want to be like that! I told her off in English which didn’t really do much and she couldn’t hear me anyway.

I checked with F after finishing the dishes and he rolled his eyes and said I was okay about the lights. We waited a while and then went out to the grocery store to get stuff for tomorrow’s meal.  We went to the grocery store and once again, they were out of meat!  Oh, they did have meat, but really, nothing that would make good stew. F suggested getting some very lean and expensive pork but I tried to get him to see that it wasn’t good for stews! We picked up most of our other needed groceries though. 

We drove over to another grocery store and this time found some stewing meat. Yay. We got that, F got an onigiri for his breakfast and then we were on the road back to the house. 
At the house, we put away the groceries and then came upstairs. I got ready and took a shower, F did the computer thing for a while. When I came back upstairs F was half-watching The Phantom of the Opera. He did say I could change it, but I got sucked in a bit and didn’t. I did change the channel  when it was done. I’ve been watching The Good Wife and they’ve just hit a storyline that really crackles. I didn’t want to miss it!

I watched my show, then relaxed for a bit. I just finished watching an episode of American Idol. I like some of the show, but to be honest, I liked the longer versions better. I think I really miss Simon!

Anyway, that’s it for me. Tomorrow I have to make stew for dinner. I’m not sure what else I’ll get up to. If you are interested too, come on back and find out! Until tomorrow….

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