October 27, 2020

Tuesday - Sunny and warmish

I woke up late this morning. That surprised me. I think I must have hit the snooze button in my sleep or something. I got up and did my usual news watching. I put on another one of those UK music shows. Today had quite a few people or groups on it that I liked, Alvin Stardust again, David Essex, Mud and I can’t even remember who else. It was fun though.

I did a load of laundry but after breakfast I ended  up taking a nap again. Sigh. I can’t keep doing that. 

I had a quiet afternoon. I caught up on a couple of TV shows and I also wrote a bit of my column. I like the way it is shaping up.

I watched the news and then went downstairs to the kitchen. I started by cooking the chicken that was in the fridge. I had originally planned to cook it for dinner today but everything go pushed back last night. I cooked it and put it in the fridge for tomorrow night. 

Then, I got started on tonight’s dinner. Tacos! I thought there would be enough for two nights, but they were very popular! I tried asking K if she wanted rice or taco shells tonight and she didn’t understand. F and I decided to give her taco shells. She seemed to like them! I have to give K credit, she’s pretty game at trying some of my wacky foreign food! We all had quite a few tacos and there is some left, but not enough for another meal. I’m a bit sad about that! I had hoped not to cook one night. Still, I am thinking about doing a taco salad for K and I tomorrow if she’ll have it!

I cleaned up after dinner and took a little break. Then, F came upstairs too and I reminded him I needed to go out. We got ready and went to MaxValu. I got some stuff for Thursday night’s dinner too. 

We came back to the house, put away the groceries and came upstairs. I took a shower and then F had one a little later. He’s in bed now and sleeping. I watched The Handmaid’s Tale and then turned off the TV. 

Tomorrow, I’ve got the column to work on, probably more laundry to do and hopefully nice dinner to make! Come back later if you will and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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