February 13, 2021

Saturday - Warm and Sunny

F and I stayed in bed quite late today. I didn’t wake up for ages, finally dragged myself out of bed after 1 pm. F was in for a bit longer!

We went out for lunch to Arpeggio and took K along. Because we went so late in the day we were the only diners there, which worked out well for us. K and F had the 10 item meal which looked lovely, I had the soboro which I really like. I haven’t had it there for a while. After our meal, the owner gave us each a bag of cookies to take with us, must have been for Valentine’s Day!

We came back to the house for a while. F didn’t really want to move for ages. We tried to get over to visit a friend in the next city, but couldn’t connect in time. No problem, we’ll try again tomorrow.

I forced F to take me out shopping so we went to a drugstore. I needed to get some distilled water and we ended up buying things like washing up liquid and laundry detergent too. We had frappuccinos at Starbucks for a change, we tried the houjicha cream ones. I liked mine, but F didn’t like it as much. He thought it was much too sweet, I thought just a little bit.

After our drinks, we visited the drugstore nearby and grabbed some eyedrops for F. I also got another bottle of distilled water because some drugstores have quotas on how much you can buy at once. 

We went over to Kintaro Sushi for a fast dinner. They were out of a lot of our favourite sushi which was sad, but we managed! We had a pretty cheap meal there and then left.  

We went to the grocery store and picked up a few things for K in case she was hungry. (She wasn’t.) We came back to the house and relaxed for a while. I attended a Zoom meeting with some of my Duos ladies for a while.

I had started watching Bull on WOWOW at 11 pm when the TV started making a loud chiming noise…then the house started shaking. And shaking…and shaking. Next, my phone started its alarm. Yikes. It turned out that it was around level 3 or 4 here, a high six in Fukushima and Miyagi, near the point of the earthquake. Nothing much happened here besides the shaking, but there have been landslides and power outages and water outages in Fukushima and possibly Miyagi too. Around midnight, F got called in to work so he left. Luckily he hadn’t had anything alcoholic to drink tonight.

I spent the rest of the time catching up with Facebook, checking on friends and then I decided to listen to a podcast where Shaun Cassidy was being interviewed about something he’s doing to try to fight child hunger using the proceeds from selling wine. I have to say, I was really impressed with how well-spoken, normal and intelligent he is. I was a huge fan of his in my teens and I’m so glad that the person he is today doesn’t make me embarrassed of that fact. 

F called me a bit before 3 to say that he was finished at work and was on his way back. He got here around 3:15.  I just gave him his Valentine Day’s chocolates and he was quite impressed and a bit sorry. He hadn’t got me anything (yet!!)

And that was my day. Earthquakes are rather horrible and tonight’s one was a doozy. Not the worst I’ve experienced, but it will take a few days to see how bad the damage is here in Tohoku. 

Come back later if you will and hear all about my Sunday. Until tomorrow….


gn-in-Massachusetts said...

Hi Helen,
Wow! You really are fairly close to where the earthquake hit. I check the map and it looks like it is just over 100 miles (point-to-point). I am glad you are ok. It's been reported here in the US and the damage caused by the mudslide was pretty devastating. It is amazing no one was killed. G.

Helen said...

Yes, as the crow flies we are fairly close, but we have a range of mountains in between us that seems to absorb a lot of the force of earthquakes on that side.

Japanese buildings are very well made, and are designed to withstand earthquakes, which, I think, is why there weren't many injuries. Some people were injured but it could have been far worse.

Thanks for visiting!