Sunday - Sunny and warm - Happy Valentine’s Day
We went to bed very late last night/this morning so we obviously slept in rather late today. We got up around noon and got ready to go out. F gave his mother the bento stuff we got her last night and then the two of us went out.
We had to go to the grocery store because they called F this morning to say that he’d left some money in one of their tills. We went there first, he got the money and then we went for lunch. We talked about a few places, but ended up going to Foodever. I had bibinba donburi, F had a udon/soba combo. I liked mine a lot, he wasn’t quite as pleased.
After that, we drove to Sakata. We got a bit lost, but after I remembered where we were going, we got there. We visited my friend in her new house and spent a few hours visiting with her and her family and a friend of hers.
We left when it was starting to get dark. We went to the Aeon Mall for a couple of minutes and then F suggested going to a restaurant in Sakata that we like. I asked him to call and confirm that it was open. The last few times we’ve tried to go there, it has been closed. He did and they were open. Yay.
We drove to the restaurant and got there just as someone was leaving the parking lot, so we were able to park. Woot.
We had a nice dinner, both of us had a baked curry, I had chicken and eggplant, F had pork cutlet with his. We enjoyed our meals.
We drove back to Tsuruoka and to the house. I checked what I needed to buy for the next couple of days and F put the kerosene tanks in the back of the car. We went off to the grocery store and picked up a few things. I’m going to serve the Orange Chicken tomorrow for dinner and then have pancakes on Tuesday for Pancake Tuesday. Yay me.
Next up, F got kerosene for the house. After a few minutes at the gas station, we drove back to the house. I put away the groceries and F dealt with the kerosene.
We went upstairs. I turned on the heater and asked F if he’d take a shower. He said he wouldn’t and then he changed his mind! For a change, F went first and then I took one. We had a quiet night in. I didn’t turn on the TV at all, I have been watching a bit of YouTube though, even though F keeps interrupting me!
Anyway, that’s about it for me. F didn’t give me anything for Valentine’s Day. I didn’t really expect anything though, but I did hope a little. Still, he’s been busy and he’s terribly forgetful!
Tomorrow he’s back to work and so am I, sort of. I have a few things I hope to get done on Monday, come back and see how I do. Until tomorrow….
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