February 9, 2021

Tuesday - Cold and Snowy

I woke up when my alarm when off this morning, then slept in a little longer. I had my usual quiet morning and there weren’t any fires today. Whew! 

I did a couple of loads of laundry today and hung it up in my room up here. I watched an episode of The Walking Dead too. It was good as they always are. I saw K briefly in the morning. I think she was trying to decide if she could make herself toast or not. I didn’t mention yesterday, but I have taken the fish grill drawer and the rack out and put it in a cupboard. If she looked for it, I’m sure she could find it!

I had a quiet afternoon. I started to watch Stuber and it was okay. I broke it off in the middle to go down and make my lunch. It was late, but I thought that I should maybe give K some of the leftovers from the day before. I made her a plate and heated it up. I woke her up and asked if she’d like some lunch. I was going to turn on her heater, but I checked the kerosene first. There wasn’t much so I filled it up for her. She took her lunch and then I went upstairs. 

I had looked outside before I made lunch and noticed that there was a bit of snow out there. I decided to go out after lunch and shovel a bit of it. 

I finished up the movie, it was silly but okay. I went out just before 4 and did some snow removal. It took me about 15 minutes and the snow was coming down as I was working.

I came back into the house and watched the news. I folded up my clean laundry that I had taken down today and put it away.

I went down to the kitchen around 6 pm and got started on dinner. I had decided to combine some Korean items with the fish stir-fry I had already planned to make. F called to say he was stuck in a traffic jam, so I asked him if he’d like some Korean food for dinner. He was okay with that.

I made quite a nice dinner tonight. I prepped some radishes again, made bibinba rice, fish and vegetable stir-fry and a kimchi pancake. We had that with a salad as well. I rinsed some blueberries for later too.

Dinner went well and we all ate. There were quite a lot of leftovers though. I made a deal with F that I wouldn’t make him take me out shopping tonight if he would bring back bentos for dinner tomorrow night. He said okay, at least I think he did!

I did the dishes and listened to a podcast from an old high school friend. He’s got a pretty good series going about PTSD and the military.

I came upstairs and tried to relax a bit. It was very cold up here. I finally got it warmer I think. At 11 I watched Prodigal Son and did a little bit of crochet. I did more than a row, but ran out of yarn on the second last cluster of the row. Darn! I’ll have to add some new yarn just at the end of the row.Oh well.

And that’s about it. F took a shower after midnight and then announced that he’d turned off the water. It didn’t make sense to me as it was warmer than last night and it was only 1am. I told him I’d be going downstairs at least twice more before I go to bed!

Anyway, he’s off to sleep now and I’m watching YouTube videos and blogging.  I think I should try and get to bed fairly soon too, so I’m going to go. 

Come back later if you like and hear all about my day. Until tomorrow….

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